Tuesday, October 27, 2009

34 weeks pregnant!

Went to the doc today...everything is great. I didn't get the measurement of my uterus but nothing was said so I am assuming everything is good! Baby's heart rate was 156. Much higher than last time but more of the normal that I am used to seeing. I go back in 2 weeks again and then I start my weekly appointments. It's going to start going a lot faster now! I will post pictures at my 36 weeks. I did ask the doctor about indigestion. Weather I eat or don't eat it seems to be horrible at night and gets me up some nights several times. I have tried tums and it isn't cutting it. She said to start taking OTC 300mg of Zantac. I will be giving that a try!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Great Grandma Smith!

After an afternoon at my parents' house yesterday, we decided to stop and see my grandma for a little bit before heading home. She was overjoyed to see us so we were happy we could make her day! Kezzie loves her and loves to play her 'pano' (piano) (we even got Austin up there playing for a bit). Kezzie is never afraid to show off in front of great grandma and loves to give her kisses!

Grandpa and Rylan!

Just a cute photo I snapped yesterday of my dad and 3 month old baby Rylan! He's growing up so fast!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Newest Addition!

Henry Augustus Coyle was born on Saturday October 24th at 1:18pm. Steph (Brian's sister) and baby are both doing great! He is a champ nurser and she is a pro mom! Big brother Brady will be so proud when he gets to meet his little brother! Henry weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 inches long! We can't wait to meet him this Halloween weekend!

Friday, October 23, 2009

23 months old!

Almost 2...I can't believe it! Kezzie is so much fun to be around and seems to have more and more energy every day. I think she keeps steeling it from me! She is sleeping less too which doesn't make much sense. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 and is awake between 6:30 and 7. She naps from about 1-2/2:30. She used to sleep so much more then this so I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that she is getting in the last two of her four molars (top and bottom right). She has been running a slight fever some days and even occasionally wakes at night for what seems like no reason. I really hope it's a phase and it passes soon!
Kezzie's interest in books has sky rocketed. She is always bringing a book to any of the three of us...whoever is willing! Side note: I love it when Austin sits down with her and reads her a book. Precious!
Kezzie loves to jump. If she isn't jumping she is dancing. Her feet are always moving. It is pretty funny stuff. She does really good with following a rhythm and does such a cute swaying motion as if she is slow dancing with somebody! I think I caught some video of it so I will have to post that! Kezzie is solid on knowing her colors. And has a few letters down pat. She can sing the first three letters of the ABCs and the last four letters correctly. Then you can also tell she is trying to sing the ending part of it too but you can't make out the words! She is definitely learning a lot these days! Kezzie can also count to 10. You have to get her past two though or else she will sound like a broken record! 'one, two, one two...' Once she remembers three comes next, she is golden! She loves to sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and will begin it every time she sees a star. She only knows a few words: 'pinkle, pinkle wittle star' (that's it). She also sings 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'. She says all that perfect and then she tries to continue and it seems a little jumbled and then all the sudden you can make out the words 'down' and 'stream'. She loves Elmo's World, as I have mentioned in previous posts so this is one of her favs to sing too: 'la, la, la Elmo Wold'. ADORABLE!
Kezzie has occasionally been responding to 'I love you' by saying 'wuv oo' (love you).
She has started to add words like 'and' and 'the' in between words to make sentences. And we have actually been able to carry on a couple short conversations with her too.
We have been teaching her mommy and daddy's names and she will very often call daddy 'Bian'. She hasn't caught on to what mommy's real name is yet though.
And last but not least Kezzie has a love for prayer. At meal time she likes to pray and even before bedtime she has started asking to pray (this might be a stall tactic but it's one I will go along with). I usually have to tell her what to say but it is so precious as she folds her hands and repeats after me. She is also enjoying children's church more. She gets excited to go when I tell her in the morning why we are getting ready. She used to say 'no church' all the way there if I even mentioned the word church! I pray each day she keeps growing a bigger heart for God!

On a bad note we have unfortunately entered into what seems like the terrible twos of a girl. She yells 'no' in my face, pouts and laughs at you when she knows you are at your breaking point. Time outs have become a regular thing and for the really naughty stuff- well, let's just say this mama isn't afraid of spanking! On a positive note...these discipline tactics seem to work almost all of the time! With a lot of love and discipline we will somehow get through the next 16+ years of life!

Today I decided to put on my brave pants and get some paints out. Kezzie has never gotten to experience the joy of being messy having such a neat freak for a mom so it was time! She loved it once she realized it was ok for her to get it on her hands. I then tried to get her to paint with her fingers but she wasn't liking that much mess...I think we will need to work on it a little! I'm thinking finger paints would be a fun gift idea for Christmas!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Great Job Austin!

Austin worked really hard all week on this project. It is worth 100 pts. and he has to make a presentation besides. He had to study one of four groups of Indians. He chose the Sioux Indian Tribe. He did some research on the internet and found items from around the house that represented them. Then he had to write a paragraph about them. I thought he did an excellent job and honestly, he barely had any help from me!! Austin presented it today and said he thought he did a good job. The one thing that went wrong was he was in the middle of his presentation showing off his things and realized the necklace had been stolen. The teacher said it isn't his fault but otherwise doesn't plan to do anything about it. I guess at least she isn't going to take points off for it! Good job, Austin!!

Austin Game #5 & 6!

I missed game 5 since it was right over Kezzie's nap and in Allison. I guess it was a good game though. The boys won 22-0! Game 6 was undecided about where it was going to be. Either Wartburg again or in Mason City. It ended up at Mason City. Wartburg would have been closer and I think our team would have had more fans there but it went ok. Mason City is an hour drive for us and the game was at 3:45. The boys needed to be there by 3 so we left our house by 2. Luckily Kezzie had already woken from her nap...I hate waking a sleeping child! Our first venture was to find a bathroom! Kezzie needed to go pretty much since we left the house! My parents decided they would make the drive to see Austin play his last game. It was 1.5 hours for them! It was really nice of them to make the effort. It really meant a lot to Austin. And Kezzie really enjoyed having their company throughout the game. I am pretty sure they equally enjoyed hers! We were able to snap a final shot of the whole team after the game. By the way...they lost 22-0...no comments!! After the game we all (grandma and grandpa too) went out to eat before heading our separate ways. It was another great day! We are so blessed!
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

32 weeks

Everything is going great. Uterus measured at 30 weeks this time. I had a different doctor today and I think they all have their ways of doing things. She may have measured me a little different then my previous doctor. I'm not concerned-neither is she. The baby's heart rate was 134. Doctor said everything is going perfect! She thought the baby's head was down and that she probably weighs between 3.5-4 lbs. Only 8 weeks to go before we get to meet our sweet baby!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Recent Photo Shoot!

Not too long ago a good friend of mine took some pictures of Kezzie. She has her own business in Cedar Rapids and does an excellent job! These were some of my favorites (definitely not all of them). Thanks again Jami for taking the time and doing such a good job! They are so cute! Now to decide what to get printed!
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Monday, October 05, 2009

Sunday Funday!

Today we got together as a family again. I promise I won't post every time we get together when we are doing it more often. I had to post some much need recent photos of Rylan and the kids had so much fun playing together so it was hard not to include pictures of that too! Rylan is now a little over 2 months old. He is starting to coo and smiles at you when you talk to him. He is getting so big! Kezzie and Ethan and Austin played doctor with the play doctor set. Kezzie went around giving everyone shots and taking their blood pressure. She also got a kick out of 'listening' to people's heart beats! Austin and Ethan had fun playing in tubs! Bennett is getting so big too. He is walking behind a walker and has mastered the art of going down stairs bottom first (before he would gracefully go head first). I know it won't be much longer and he will be taking his first steps. I can't believe how strong he is getting! What a fun Sunday we had together! That is one thing about Winter I am looking forward to...being together on Sundays again!
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Sunday, October 04, 2009

Austin Football Game #4

Game #4 was played at Wartburg. What an exciting game! Austin got the ball and was able to run it until a kid from the other team came and pushed it right out of his arms! We played Charles City which isn't too far from home! I didn't get very good pictures but I did take some video. I will try to get them uploaded soon! Kezzie was sleeping soundly at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's so I was able to sit and enjoy the whole game by myself! Although it was very chilly and wet it was still relaxing to be at! New Hampton won 12-0! GO New Hampton!!!