Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another trip to the river!

We had another great stay at the river. This time it was during the week because both my mom and dad were off work. We can never go up without them there because we don't have a toilet and we don't really have any way of cooking unless all we do is grill. Plus, what fun is it if we are up there by ourselves?! We are so lucky to have them to hang out with once-in-a-while!

One of the days was unbearably hot. We decided that we were either going to have to go home or take a swim in the river. We put our kids down for naps and then got our suits on. The water was pretty chilly and we knew the only way we were going in was to jump. So we took a run for it off the end of the dock and jumped right in. It was heavenly! We had to get a rope and hook it up to one of the boats so we didn't float down the river. Austin even got in with us after some serious convincing! And after about an hour I heard Kezzie get up and decided to let her come in with us too. Mom lowered her down off the side of the dock and she LOVED it! We only stayed in another 15 minutes or so because Kezzie was looking mighty chilly! Another great childhood memory relived! It didn't take long for us to get hot again that's for sure! So that night we decided we were turning on the air. Mom and dad turned it on in their camper and also turned it on in their old camper where Jamie was sleeping with Rylan. Austin stayed in with mom and dad on the couch and Me and the girls squeezed in with Jamie. We slept so well that night! And actually stayed in there the rest of our time there!

I was pleasantly surprised (as was Austin) when my cousin DeLila and her three kids showed up (the twins are Austin's age). She just graduated from college and starts her new job the next week. It was so wonderful getting to see her and hang out with her! I don't get to see her often enough!

We even got to see my grandma before we left Thursday morn. She came Wednesday afternoon. Kezzie enjoys her company and even got to go out on the dock and do a little 'fishing' with her! Adah still isn't sure of her but she isn't really sure of anybody except mommy and daddy right now! What a fantastic time...not sure when we will get back up there again this year so it was great to be there. I cherish it every time...even when it feels like 100 degrees!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A little red dress!

Me at about 20 months (I have the tallest (and baldest) head ever). Keziah at about 31 months.

I know the dress definitely fit me at a younger age better, but I forgot I was keeping the dress in Keziah's closet to have her picture taken with it on. I guess better late then never maybe! She still looks cute it's just not much of a picture to compare since I am so much younger. Don't be fooled though...I didn't have much more hair at Keziah's age! Thank goodness Kezzie takes after he dad in that department!

This little red dress was made by a lady I have known my whole life named Elner Sassman. She served as a second mom to my mom and made this dress for me when I was little! It is adorable and I love that I have girls to dress up in it!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rylan's First Birthday!

Rylan turned one on the 23rd. He is so sweet and so laid back. Enjoy the video of his first birthday. He did great with his cake too!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Keziah is 32 MONTHS!

My photographer suggested to try different angles so that is what I did this month and I was suprised at how I liked them. I am definitely far from being a photographer but at least there's a little variety!

Keziah is growing up so much. I love her personality and yet some days it's really hard to deal with! She is so outgoing and persistent and a go-getter. That's the best and nicest way to put it! We are working hard on listening before we have to discipline. And the's almost unbearable. Do all girls whine or just mine? We have decided now that it is time to leave the blankie in bed only since that was causing a whole nother list of problems. She was becoming super attached to it, chewing and sucking on it, etc.

Kezzie's day is still pretty much the same as usual. She goes to bed by 8/8:30 and wakes up by 7/7:30. She still takes an afternoon nap (thank the Lord) whenever Adah is ready for hers between 1 and 2. Her days consist of swimming, TV (around an hour a day-sometimes more sometimes less), books-lots of books, pestering her brother and loving on her little sister. Life would be so empty without her. She brings so much laughter into our are a couple funnies from Kezzie:
We had plans to go out with some friends for ice cream in CF...I went in to wake Kez up from her nap so we could go and when I walked into the room where she was sleeping (we were at my parents') we had a conversation that went something like this:
Me: Hi sweetie, do you want to go get ice cream with Levi and Naomi and Isaiah?
Kezzie-while still laying down shrugged her shoulders and said: Well, I'd love to but...I have to go to school. Maybe me go next time! And shrugged her shoulders again.
She must have been dreaming about something!

Another funny story is: every time we are on a walk at the river we walk by a cabin that has various holiday decor out (strange, I know). One of the things in a tree is a Santa. For the longest time Kezzie would boldly state as we walked by "Look mom, there's Noah" (like Noah from Noah's Ark-because of the beard I guess!). I didn't even think to set her straight on the concept until we were on a walk with my sister and she asked me if I ever told her who it really was. I always thought it was so cute that she thought it was Noah that I never told her any different! I think Kezzie knows who it is now!

There are so many conversations that Kezzie and I have with each other, I wish I could have a recorder on her all the time. She is hilarious and can carry on such a long conversation with you. It's so much fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Orchard Hill North Camping Trip

Untitled from Erin Uglum on Vimeo.

New pool!

Since I can tell that I am not going to make it to the public pool this summer, I finally decided to go out and buy an inflatable pool. It was cheap and it will provide a lot safer hours of fun! It is perfect size for Kezzie to get used to putting her head under and it even allows her to jump in and make a splash (which she loves). She is just way too daring in big pools so it would be really hard to keep her in the baby pool area at the public pool. Maybe we will give it a try next summer when she can float on her own and Adah is a little bigger. By the way, I didn't match their suits on purpose! A while back we had a family reunion at Byrnes park in Waterloo. We swam when we were there and unfortunately when I took off Adah's little swimmer I pulled her suit off at the same time. It all got turned inside out as it was wet and sticky coming off and went directly into the park's trash. This called for going out and getting her a new one. Luckily they were on clearance at Target but the only one that was close to her size was a 9 month one that just so happened to be the same one that I bought Kezzie at the beginning of the summer. I guess now they match...but not on purpose!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Celebrating Baby Alanna!

Emily is fortunate to have two sister-in-laws that thought of throwing her a girly baby shower. Since she has previously had two boys she is in desperate need of some girl clothes and girl items. What better way to get those things than from family and friends!

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

We had a wonderful fourth of July! Emily even got to come stay for a night with the two boys! Bennett threw a pole in the water out of frustration so Alicia spent most of the morning trying to psych herself up to go in the chilly water and search for it. Adah really enjoys her walker and it's a nice place to put her down without worry. Austin had a blast playing with all the other kids that were there. One of my cousins was there with her twins and younger son along with Perry and Cindy's four kids. Keith and Jamie were there too with Rylan. The town fireworks were on Saturday night so everybody (except me and Brian and the kids and mom and dad) headed out to see them. Austin went with the others. The girls were way too tired to make it through fireworks! Maybe some other year, right? It was great to get to hang out with family. I just wish Brian would enjoy it too. He came for a night but then couldn't wait to get home and left early the next day.