Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New pool!

Since I can tell that I am not going to make it to the public pool this summer, I finally decided to go out and buy an inflatable pool. It was cheap and it will provide a lot safer hours of fun! It is perfect size for Kezzie to get used to putting her head under and it even allows her to jump in and make a splash (which she loves). She is just way too daring in big pools so it would be really hard to keep her in the baby pool area at the public pool. Maybe we will give it a try next summer when she can float on her own and Adah is a little bigger. By the way, I didn't match their suits on purpose! A while back we had a family reunion at Byrnes park in Waterloo. We swam when we were there and unfortunately when I took off Adah's little swimmer I pulled her suit off at the same time. It all got turned inside out as it was wet and sticky coming off and went directly into the park's trash. This called for going out and getting her a new one. Luckily they were on clearance at Target but the only one that was close to her size was a 9 month one that just so happened to be the same one that I bought Kezzie at the beginning of the summer. I guess now they match...but not on purpose!

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