Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Adah is 5 months!

Adah is FIVE months old already. She has hit some pretty fun milestones this month! She rolled over from her back to her front just two days before turning 5 months old! She hasn't gotten back over yet but I can tell she is already trying to figure that out. She also moved from sleeping on the main floor of the house (in our bedroom) in her bassinet to sleeping all the way upstairs in her crib. She did really well with the transition. I don't think I ever realized how often I rolled over in the night to stick her paci in until she was all the way upstairs. It's really not that bad but definitely a nuisance! I have thought about letting her cry it out but then Kezzie would hear her and wake up. It always sounds like a good idea until it's the middle of the night and I would really rather not have to deal with both of them if something goes wrong! It is getting better though. I usually only have to get up once and there are even some nights I don't have to get up at all. Another thing Adah started this month was the 'razz' noise with her lips (4/17/10). She does it all the time! So sweet! You can tell she is proud of herself too because she will stick a little squeal of excitement in there every-once-in-a-while.

Adah is eating about 6 times a day. There were a couple days this month that she only ate 5 feedings and I was thinking she was working into that but she just must not have needed as much those days. The schedule is pretty much the same as last month. It goes something like this:
6:30am wake and nurse
7:30/8am bed
9:30/10am wake and nurse
12:30 nurse (it is not easy to keep her up this long but it is nice to get her and Kezzie napping at the same time)
1:00 bed
3/3:30 wake and nurse
5pm bed
6/6:30 wake and nurse
8/8:30 eat and bed
She is so much fun to be around. She is always happy. Always laughing and smiling. She rarely cries unless she needs her diaper changed or needs fed. She is so laid back. I always thought Keziah was a great baby but Adah is even better!
One thing about her is she does get frightened if a stranger talks to her. I think it is really weird that she already notices this but it happens almost every time.
God has truly blessed our family with Adah (which is the meaning of her name: beautiful addition). And she is just that!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

29 Months!

Keziah is another month older and it continues to amaze me how big she is! She is such a joy to be around. I know I say that every month, but it is so the truth! She makes me laugh all time! She says the funniest things and is learning more everyday. Every morning that she wakes up I swear she is smarter! Her sentences are becoming very complete and she almost speaks as well as some adults! She gets her words jumbled in a sentence sometimes but I can always tell what she is trying to say (ie: 'what say you?', 'where she is?', etc.)
Keziah is still taking her afternoon nap. I am just waiting for that to one day come to an end. I will cry when that happens! She sometimes has a really hard time getting to sleep and if I have her skip her nap for a day when we are busy she isn't hardly even phased by it. When she does fall asleep she will sleep for a good two hours and still sleep the same amount at night as she usually does which is great (8pm-7am). Also, we just took her door handle cover off so she is free to leave her room when she wakes up in the morning. It's only been two days and so far she hasn't been taking advantage of it. We will have to see if it becomes a problem and we need to put it back on! Every night when I put Kezzie to bed we pray on our knees next to her bed. She really loves this special way of praying and I love that I am teaching her something so important. She prays and says thanks to Jesus for many things but one thing she never forgets to say thank-you for is 'the pool'. We haven't swam yet this summer, other than at a hotel and that was over a month ago, but she insists that she thank God for it. I guess she really has a love for the pool! She also comes up with new things to be thankful for, things that I wouldn't even think of that we do earlier in the evening that she is happy about and thankful for. She will also frequently thank Jesus for her warm bed. I think we all too often take for granted things like our warm bed that we get to crawl into every night, so it really warms my heart that she thinks of those things. I think it is so sweet!
This month we also took Kezzie's pacifier away. It didn't even seem to phase her. Here is the funny story if you missed it. Another instance this month she actually found a different paci somewhere in her bed and when she came out after nap she was sucking on it. I asked her where she had gotten it and she said, 'it was just in my bed'. We had been missing that paci for a while and I guess she had found it! She is a smart girl but not smart enough to stash it away and keep quiet about it! I don't think there are any others hiding in her room anywhere that are going to emerge!
And a word on potty training...we had some major setbacks this month. I'm not sure what it was all about but she was definitely having more one-two too many a day more accidents. All I did was went back to a day without pants on and she is back at it like a big girl. She is actually even better than before holding her pee for much longer at a time. Hopefully this will work her into a dry diaper at night time. For a while there I was actually waking her up before I went to bed to have her go potty because I wanted to see if it would eliminate her from wetting her diaper. A couple nights she stayed dry and it was successful but more nights then not she still woke up wet. I guess her body just isn't ready for that phase, so for now she will continue to wear a diaper to bed. For naps she is still staying dry but still wears a pull up. I'm just not brave enough to leave it off!
Keziah also had a dentist apt. this month (4/20/10). She did great but has a slight cross bite. I'm sure this is due to two years of pacifier sucking but the dentist thinks it should be fine especially when she gets her permanent teeth in. She just warned me that we probably need to start saving for braces! No shocker there since both her parents wore braces!
Kezzie says some of the cutest are a few:
'whatever' using hand gestures and all.
'for ever, ever, ever' she will use this phrase for many different things whether it makes sense or not!
'don't you?' she will pretty much end any statement with this question. ie: I want to go outside, don't you? or I want to have a snack, don't you?, etc.
I know there is more so maybe I will be adding some again. I hope you are enjoying life with us as much as I am. I try not to bore you but at the same time there are things I want to put on the blog just for me to remember and be able to go back on! So thanks for going along for the ride!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Adah's 4 month Professional Pictures!

Check out Help me get a prize by leaving a comment. If I get 25 comments in a week I get a little something special and if I get 50 I get something even better. The pictures are amazing so enjoy!

Also, if you want to see the full online gallery go to
and click on the 'client viewing' link in the lower right.

It will ask for my email adress:
And a password: Uglum

She did such a wonderful job. I HIGHLY recommend her!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A good friend!

I had to post photos of the girls in their dresses because a good friend of mine from Cedar Rapids got the girls these dresses and sent them to us. It was a nice suprise in the mail! Thanks so much Kris! The kids look beautiful. Adah's would probably look better without the onesie underneath but she was in the middle of an outfit change, due to her spitting up, when these arrived in the mail so I just slipped the dress over her onesie. She looks cute no matter what. And she is starting to like her tummy for short periods of time now. It's so cute to see her holding her head up and looking around! I don't have to say much about Kezzie. She is such a natural beauty too. Don't mind the rubber fish she has hanging out of her mouth...she has such an obsession with having things in her mouth! I thought by two she would be over that by now!
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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here's just some random photos of my sweeties. Adah is so adorable in her strawberry outfit! She loves the johnny jumper. And as you can tell, Kezzie had to give it a try too (she wasn't a fan for long when she was Adah's age). And a photo of Adah and Keziah in their look-alike outfits. I never dress them the same but found these two outfits on clearance at Kohls. I couldn't resist! They look so sweet! I am gonna bet this isn't the last time I will be dressing them the same!
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bennett Turned 2!!

Bennett turned 2 today. He is such a doll and growing so much! Emily and Adam did a mallard duck theme since he is so into ducks. I designed the invitations again which is always such a pleasure for me to do! The cake was adorable and very yummy too! I think Ethan did more of the blowing out the candle then Benne though! It was great to see Adams family too. It's hard to believe that it's been two years since he was born. Oh how time flies!

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Monday, April 12, 2010

More Easter!

I think this will finally be the last of Easter stuff. We waited a week before celebrating at my parents since we were gone over Easter. Here are the kids having fun searching for eggs. Some were filled with money and a few with candy. Kezzie had a blast helping Grandma clean up in the kitchen. And I just had to get another shot of my adorable kids!
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Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Yay and an Ooops!

Tuesday night (4/6/10) Kezzie gave up the pacifier for good. She has gone through two pacis in the last three weeks due to biting holes in them and I finally decided I wasn't replacing another one at over two years old. To my surprise she was fine with this. She asks about it for nap and bed but doesn't put up a fight to get it. I put the pacifier on her dresser so she could still see it and that is where the paci 'went to sleep'. However, at nap time today I heard some footsteps and a crash. I was busy with Adah so I didn't get up there to check on her right away but when I did, she looked very nervous as I walked in. She was laying in bed sucking her paci! I asked her how she got it and she proceeded to tell me a long story of how she got her chair out and climbed on it, got her paci and then fell, etc.She almost started to whimper as if to get sympathy for the fall. The funny thing is she didn't want me to see the chair out so to keep me from noticing, even after falling off the chair, she took the time to put it back where it belonged! It is so crazy to me that she came up with this brilliant/sneaky idea all on her own. Oh and I forgot to mention...the first night she went to bed without it I was so focused on remembering to put her to bed without it that I forgot to put a diaper on her...luckily she woke at 6:30am yelling over the monitor "I got to pee, I got to pee". She was completely dry! Yay Kezzie!
The next morning was Kindermusik and we have to drive almost an hour to CF. As we were sitting in the parking lot of Gallagher I was nursing Adah before going in for class and Kezzie said she had to pee. I asked her if she was going to be able to hold it and she said yes. I was sitting there nervous she was going to pee and encouraging her to hold it. It was silent for a few seconds and she said, "Mom, don't be mad." I said, "why would mommy be mad?" She said, "I pee my pants." How could I possibly be upset when she is so darn cute?! But my question does she make it 12 hours the night before but can't make it one hour the next can be frustrating! Needless to say, I had both girls in new outfits before we even arrived in our Kindermusik class!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Cannon Falls

We had the privilege of visiting a relative in MN for Easter. We stayed until Monday and then came home. Austin was on a 'spring break' so it worked out pretty good. Before heading home on Monday we stopped to take a look at a waterfall. We had to walk a ways down on a lot of stairs. Adah had just ate so she was spitting up all the way down but it was worth it. The pictures don't do justice. There was a way you could walk all the way down and get behind the waterfall but we didn't brave that-not with two little ones!
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Emily update!!

I did get the OK from Em to tell you they are having a GIRL! How precious!
Yesterday Emily had another ultrasound. God is hearing our prayers and answering them. Everything is looking great. Praise the Lord. We got some good news! The doctor spent an hour alone looking at her heart and felt it looked normal with the exception of one of the arteries being a little bigger then normal. Almost all the fluid around it has gone away. He doesn't think she will have any heart problems at all when she is born. He looked at her brain and said the ventrical that was enlarged has now shrunk to a normal size. Amazing. Her limbs are still short like Bennett's were at this point but they are no longer curved which can be a sign of a more severe case of dwarfism. The doctor thinks she is going to be a very similar case to Bennett. What a miracle they both are!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Easter Baskets!

We are always super busy on Sunday mornings, since we drive almost an hour to go to church, so I decided to 'have the Easter bunny' come while Kezzie was naping today. Kezzie was so excited to see her basket. Her favorite thing is her little chick/duck. She takes it everywhere with her. It even 'pees on the potty'. Austin had a surprise too...he got my mom and dad's old trac fone. He was overjoyed-and that's an understatement!! Adah loves her glasses if you can't tell and the two toys she got. We aren't forgetting what Easter is all about though...JESUS HAS RISEN!
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Two of my Easter blessings!

Two of my three Easter Blessings! So beautiful! I wanted the girls to try on their dresses before needing to wear them for Easter and then decided to just get a few shots of them. Austin unfortunately wasn't around at this time so I didn't get to show off his handsomeness!
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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Tummy Time!

She is getting so much stronger in her neck. What a big girl. She doesn't get much tummy time because everytime I lay her like this she almost always spits up a ton-no matter when she last ate! And you can forget her trying to roll over...we will get there one of these days!

Oh how they grow...

I cannot believe how much Keziah has grown since last spring. Here she is on March 5, 2009 and again yesterday on March 31, 2010. Look at those legs hanging out and her hair!!