Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Adah is 5 months!

Adah is FIVE months old already. She has hit some pretty fun milestones this month! She rolled over from her back to her front just two days before turning 5 months old! She hasn't gotten back over yet but I can tell she is already trying to figure that out. She also moved from sleeping on the main floor of the house (in our bedroom) in her bassinet to sleeping all the way upstairs in her crib. She did really well with the transition. I don't think I ever realized how often I rolled over in the night to stick her paci in until she was all the way upstairs. It's really not that bad but definitely a nuisance! I have thought about letting her cry it out but then Kezzie would hear her and wake up. It always sounds like a good idea until it's the middle of the night and I would really rather not have to deal with both of them if something goes wrong! It is getting better though. I usually only have to get up once and there are even some nights I don't have to get up at all. Another thing Adah started this month was the 'razz' noise with her lips (4/17/10). She does it all the time! So sweet! You can tell she is proud of herself too because she will stick a little squeal of excitement in there every-once-in-a-while.

Adah is eating about 6 times a day. There were a couple days this month that she only ate 5 feedings and I was thinking she was working into that but she just must not have needed as much those days. The schedule is pretty much the same as last month. It goes something like this:
6:30am wake and nurse
7:30/8am bed
9:30/10am wake and nurse
12:30 nurse (it is not easy to keep her up this long but it is nice to get her and Kezzie napping at the same time)
1:00 bed
3/3:30 wake and nurse
5pm bed
6/6:30 wake and nurse
8/8:30 eat and bed
She is so much fun to be around. She is always happy. Always laughing and smiling. She rarely cries unless she needs her diaper changed or needs fed. She is so laid back. I always thought Keziah was a great baby but Adah is even better!
One thing about her is she does get frightened if a stranger talks to her. I think it is really weird that she already notices this but it happens almost every time.
God has truly blessed our family with Adah (which is the meaning of her name: beautiful addition). And she is just that!

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

She is just the cutest :) so glad I know you both (and Kezzie too!)