Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Emily update!!

I did get the OK from Em to tell you they are having a GIRL! How precious!
Yesterday Emily had another ultrasound. God is hearing our prayers and answering them. Everything is looking great. Praise the Lord. We got some good news! The doctor spent an hour alone looking at her heart and felt it looked normal with the exception of one of the arteries being a little bigger then normal. Almost all the fluid around it has gone away. He doesn't think she will have any heart problems at all when she is born. He looked at her brain and said the ventrical that was enlarged has now shrunk to a normal size. Amazing. Her limbs are still short like Bennett's were at this point but they are no longer curved which can be a sign of a more severe case of dwarfism. The doctor thinks she is going to be a very similar case to Bennett. What a miracle they both are!

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