Saturday, July 24, 2010

Keziah is 32 MONTHS!

My photographer suggested to try different angles so that is what I did this month and I was suprised at how I liked them. I am definitely far from being a photographer but at least there's a little variety!

Keziah is growing up so much. I love her personality and yet some days it's really hard to deal with! She is so outgoing and persistent and a go-getter. That's the best and nicest way to put it! We are working hard on listening before we have to discipline. And the's almost unbearable. Do all girls whine or just mine? We have decided now that it is time to leave the blankie in bed only since that was causing a whole nother list of problems. She was becoming super attached to it, chewing and sucking on it, etc.

Kezzie's day is still pretty much the same as usual. She goes to bed by 8/8:30 and wakes up by 7/7:30. She still takes an afternoon nap (thank the Lord) whenever Adah is ready for hers between 1 and 2. Her days consist of swimming, TV (around an hour a day-sometimes more sometimes less), books-lots of books, pestering her brother and loving on her little sister. Life would be so empty without her. She brings so much laughter into our are a couple funnies from Kezzie:
We had plans to go out with some friends for ice cream in CF...I went in to wake Kez up from her nap so we could go and when I walked into the room where she was sleeping (we were at my parents') we had a conversation that went something like this:
Me: Hi sweetie, do you want to go get ice cream with Levi and Naomi and Isaiah?
Kezzie-while still laying down shrugged her shoulders and said: Well, I'd love to but...I have to go to school. Maybe me go next time! And shrugged her shoulders again.
She must have been dreaming about something!

Another funny story is: every time we are on a walk at the river we walk by a cabin that has various holiday decor out (strange, I know). One of the things in a tree is a Santa. For the longest time Kezzie would boldly state as we walked by "Look mom, there's Noah" (like Noah from Noah's Ark-because of the beard I guess!). I didn't even think to set her straight on the concept until we were on a walk with my sister and she asked me if I ever told her who it really was. I always thought it was so cute that she thought it was Noah that I never told her any different! I think Kezzie knows who it is now!

There are so many conversations that Kezzie and I have with each other, I wish I could have a recorder on her all the time. She is hilarious and can carry on such a long conversation with you. It's so much fun!

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