Monday, October 05, 2009

Sunday Funday!

Today we got together as a family again. I promise I won't post every time we get together when we are doing it more often. I had to post some much need recent photos of Rylan and the kids had so much fun playing together so it was hard not to include pictures of that too! Rylan is now a little over 2 months old. He is starting to coo and smiles at you when you talk to him. He is getting so big! Kezzie and Ethan and Austin played doctor with the play doctor set. Kezzie went around giving everyone shots and taking their blood pressure. She also got a kick out of 'listening' to people's heart beats! Austin and Ethan had fun playing in tubs! Bennett is getting so big too. He is walking behind a walker and has mastered the art of going down stairs bottom first (before he would gracefully go head first). I know it won't be much longer and he will be taking his first steps. I can't believe how strong he is getting! What a fun Sunday we had together! That is one thing about Winter I am looking forward to...being together on Sundays again!
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