Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Adah is 15 MONTHS!

Well, Adah turned 15 months on the 27th of February but I wanted to wait until her 15 month check up so I could post about that at the same time.  She went today for that and weighed in at 24.4 lbs. (@75%).  She was 2' 6.25" (less than 50%).  So a little short and stubby!  But as cute as can be!  We had some concerns with Adah.  It seems like these same problems emerged with Kezzie when she was around this age.  It turns out Adah has eczema like Kez.  It's especially bad behind her ears in the cracks where it actually bleeds sometimes, but she gets it in other places as well.  She is also starting to get it around her mouth like Kezzie did.  Another concern we had was her tongue.  I see her very frequently pulling at her tongue as if there is a hair in her mouth.  The doctor completely disregarded it as nothing but I thought maybe there was a sore in there.  He thinks maybe she has the same sensitivity on her tongue as she does on her skin.  And for about the last week Adah has been dealing with diarrhea.  The doc wasn't concerned and thought maybe it is either a virus or maybe even teething.  I just hope it goes away soon!  Adah did get two more teeth this month.  Tooth #11 (bottom L molar) came in 1/29/11.  And #12 (bottom R molar) came in 1/31/11.  She is adorable with her toothy grin!  I have yet to see any signs of her eye teeth coming in...
At Adah's check up she had to have three more shots.  She screamed at the initial poke but recovered quickly (especially when we gave her a sucker)!  As if that wasn't enough, she had to have her blood drawn again to see if she is doing better with her iron.  Instead of the usual finger prick though, they had to put a needle in her arm.  Mommy was the lucky one who got to hold her arm straight and firm.  Not fun for either of us.  In the end I would prefer it this way because it was so much faster than trying to squeeze blood out of a tiny dot in the tip of her finger.  Results came back and she is still low in iron so we continue with the Fer-in-sol (iron drops) twice a day. 
Adah is saying more and more.  She said HI for the first time 2/1/11.  Whenever I go in to get her from nap or in the morning, I will say a long, drawn out, high pitched "HIIIIIIIII".  I guess she picked up on it!  It is very cute and I sometimes don't even realize it is her instead of Kezzie because it sounds so perfect!  She is trying to say many things.  If you try to teach her a word she will give it her best to mimic you!  She certainly isn't the talker her sister was by now, and that's ok with me.  I know I am always comparing them but I love that Adah is her own personal self.  She is super smart in other ways-in her own ways!
Adah is still nursing 3 times a day.  She wakes around 7/7:30, still naps in the AM (although this, I am thinking, is coming to an end...didn't I say that last month?!), and lays down for a 1:30/2pm nap time.  Bed is at 7:30ish.  She is doing so much better with table foods, but still requires some food to be pureed.  She loves broccoli though which I think is strange because she is so picky about textures!
The next thing on my mind is potty training.  I know it's a little early yet, but I am just getting it in my mindset.  She is already telling me when she is poopy so I think she is getting close...maybe in the next month or two I will give this a try!!!  I am so excited to be done with diapers again!  It's hard to believe that Kez was trained at 17 or 18 months.  We'll see if Adah follows suit on that one!  I hope so!
Make sure you check out her pictures at the's so cute!  She just got done with her bath and her hair has such sweet curls.  They never last but maybe she will be a little like her mom and have some curl!
So long for now...more on this beautiful angel next month!
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