Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eden is 3 MONTHS!!

Eden is such a little miracle.  She is laughing, cooing, smiling, reaching!  Doing everything a 3 month old should!  It's amazing!  Eden has been sleeping through the night practically since she was born.  She went through about a two week period after she got over her jaundice at birth that she was wanting to get up in the night, but after holding her off for those two weeks, she sleeps wonderfully.  I typically feed her around 10 before I go to bed and she makes it until around 6:30/7.  She is eating about every 2.5-3 hours (totaling 6 feedings/day).  She is getting on a pretty good schedule.  She usually lays down for a nap about 1.5-2 hours after waking in the morning.  She will sleep about 1.5 hours and  then wake to nurse (around 10).  She will stay awake about an hour and then back to bed until she nurses around 12:30/1pm.  She will go right back to bed until she wants to nurse between 3 and 4.  She then stays awake a couple more hours and then is down for an hour nap before waking to eat around 6/7ish.  She will stay awake another hour and then go to bed for the night.  I then wake her for a 'dream-feed' right before I go to bed around 10/10:30.  This works so well and I am so proud of her for establishing such a great schedule at such a young age!  During her awake time we love to play on the floor.  She almost always giggles when I grab her hands and raise them above her head and say 'so big'.  She also loves it when I use my chin to tickle her under her arms when they are in the air!  She particularly loves this bear that she got during her stay at the NICU.  It was a 10th anniversary beanie bear that is bright yellow and has specks of sparkling confetti on it.  She loves looking at it and practicing her grabbing skills!  When we aren't playing we are working hard at her physical therapy that AEA recommends every month.  This month Eden seems to have some tightening on her left side (torticollis) so we are working on strengthening and stretching that.  They also have us working her on her tummy, trying to get her head/neck stronger.  She is doing very well at this but still seems to be slightly behind.  We also have to account for the fact that she was born early so I am not too worried about that!  Eden is such a joy and we are just enjoying every day we have with her and taking it all one day at a time!

Here is my third little owl!  Click here to see my other two!  Someday I will get a picture of all of them together!

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