Sunday, October 14, 2012

Eden is 10 MONTHS!!!

Edie is her nick name.  It's really starting to stick!  She has got to be the sweetest baby I know!  She is full of kisses these days.  If you ask her for one she just might like you enough to give you one.  It's more like a french kiss then anything though since she does it with her mouth wide open.  And if you make the sound 'mmmmmwa' she will imitate it. 
Eden got her two first teeth this month.  She got her bottom left front tooth on 9/16 and her bottom right front tooth on 9/27.  Eden started signing more on 9/23.  This looks somewhat like she is clapping because she doesn't form her fingers together like the actual sign but she puts her hands together over and over to get her point across!  She keeps on amazing me in her abilities!  Eden loves to play peek-a-boo (10/5).  She will raise a blanket or big up over her eyes and bring it down with a big smile.  She sometimes uses her arm and doesn't quite get her eyes covered up but still thinks she is playing!  One of the sweetest things that will never get old is hearing Eden say uh-oh (10/6).  She will drop a toy and immediately say uh-oh.  I wasn't sure how she learned this until she dropped something and Keziah said uh-oh right away.  I bet that's not the only thing her big sisters will be teaching her!
Biggest news ever is Eden started crawling (10/6)!!!  I am so proud of my sweetie!  She only took 4 crawls forward but she is going to get it in no time! 
Eden's schedule is still the same as last month so I'm not going to write anything about that.
Next month we will be talking surgery stuff so I will have plenty to say next month!
As always, I have to say, God is so good!  What a blessing Eden is to us!

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