Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Eden's MRIs

Eden had an MRI on Jan. 2nd.  We were supposed to go to IC on the 21st of Dec. but because of the weather (after we drove through Waterloo and took the exit to CR) we decided to turn around and reschedule the apt.  So Jan. 2nd was our make-up apt.  The MRI showed some drainage but he was aiming to have the valve open a little more so they opened it to 1.5 (it was at 2.0) which is what a typical patient with a shunt is open to for their lifetime (don't ask me what the number really represents).  He's hoping to get it draining a little better with that number.  We will come back in two weeks to make sure everything is stable!  Read on to hear about that apt.

Eden had an MRI today just to see how everything was going since her surgery and since he opened the valve a couple weeks ago.  I was really nervous she wouldn't hold still enough because then she would have had to come back for a sedated MRI in a couple weeks but we made sure to keep her paci away from her all morning and she wasn't able to have a morning nap so when I laid her on the table thing and gave her her paci and bear and blankie she was in heaven and hardly moved a muscle!  They were able to get the pictures they needed and the results were fantastic!  Her shunt appears to be in tact and the ventricles are going down.  Not much but enough that they didn't feel like they needed to open the valve any more than it already is.  They were also able to see the cyst that is in there and it is...drum roll please...ALMOST GONE!!!!  Having put in the shunt to drain the ventricles is also connected in some way to the cyst and is draining that also.  Praise GOD!  He is so good to us!  The doctor was extremely happy with her development and seemed so surprised that her cyst was almost gone.  He didn't expect that either!  So that's what I call a miracle!!!  Another great trip in the for the not terrible but not great news...they still want to do a sedated MRI, just not as soon as they were thinking.  They are planning on sometime in April.  They just want to make sure that what they are seeing with the cyst and drainage is what is going on.  There is always some movement in the quick MRI that we typically do.  Plus when she is sedated they take a lot more pictures and they are more detailed pictures.  I am not looking forward to it but if they see what they need to see maybe (fingers crossed) this will be a last!  We can pray for that, right??!!

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