Sunday, October 24, 2010

Henry's 1st Birthday!

We are so blessed to have you a part of our lives.  We can't wait to see you grow and become a strong young boy!  We love you Henry Augustus!

We spent almost all day Saturday with some of Brian's family.  I say SOME because Brian and his dad had tickets to go to the Iowa Hawkeyes game in IC, so they were gone.  It was so much fun for Keziah and Brady.  They play super well together now that they are getting older. 
We wanted everybody to be there to celebrate Henry's birthday so we waited until Sunday morning to do that.  We went back over there for a big breakfast and cake and ice cream.  Brady and Kez still love playing the piano and drive us all crazy when they do!  There's a lot of pounding going on.  As you can see, they like to use their elbows to play until we tell them to play gently and then they use their fingertips!  Henry was pretty dainty about eating his cake at first but then did manage to get pretty messy!  Can you believe how much Brian and Adah look alike?  She is a spitting image of him.  I never noticed how much until I took that picture of them with their heads right next to each other.  Brady and Kez always have a blast on the bean bags.  They played a game that Kezzie was pretending to sleep on them and Brady would come and wake her up.  I love pretend's so fun to have an imagination!  Adah loves to stand up to the window and look out to the back yard where Remi (their golden doodle) likes to play.  Adah gets really excited when she sees Remi and makes a noise that imitates a dog barking!  Henry was off playing with toys when Steph was opening gifts for him...Kezzie didn't seem to mind sitting right in there though! 
I pray you have many more birthdays to celebrate with us, Henry!
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