Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Baskets and dentist apts.!

Adah and Kezzie have a new obsession...baskets.  Kezzie pretends like our big blue basket is her shell and she goes inside it.  She has started putting a blanket over it since there are holes on the sides and she doesn't want us to be able to see her.  Adah sees this as an opportunity to either a) annoy Keziah b)to have fun hiding under a blanket with Keziah.  Kezzie doesn't see it as b and as you can see in the picture tries to yell at Adah to leave her alone :(.  I guess they can't get along all the time!  Adah has a hobby of her own.  She likes to climb in and out of her small toy box.  She thinks she is pretty cool stuff!  And then just last night she found the baby cradle and gets in there.  This is way more fun then the toy box because it actually rocks back and forth.  She gets going pretty good in it too! Gotta love cheap entertainment!

Today Keziah went to the dentist.  Actually, Austin, Kezzie and I all three had dentist appointments.  Luckily mine was first thing in the morning and Kezzie was able to see how easy it was.  Her and Austin go to a peds dentist who is really good with kids so that helped too.  She was really nervous to go but after seeing me get mine cleaned she was ready to go and knew exactly what to do.  She climbed right up on the table/chair and opened wide!  Dr. said she still has quite a crossbite but that her teeth and gums look really good.  She said we should give her a paci back because she is doing way more damage with her finger then she will with a paci.  If you remember right, we've been through this before!  Summarized:  early 7/09 we took her paci away, late 08/09 she started sucking her finger, early 09/09 gave her paci back, 04/10 took her paci away again, it wasn't until Sept. or so that she started sucking her finger again.  I don't know what to do.  Dr. said her arch in her mouth is being affected and that her cross bite is getting worse.  Any suggestions? She has an oral fixation and has to have something in her mouth all the time (takes after her dad!).  She typically sucks her finger while watching tv or going to sleep but it doesn't stop there.  She also bites her fingernails already at her age and will chew on her blankie and even the collar on her shirts and sleeves.  The Dr. thought maybe if we gave her her paci back something would click and she would think, 'I don't need this, I'm a big girl'.  I don't think we are going to be that lucky!  But I don't know what else to do!
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