Tuesday, November 08, 2011

32 Weeks Pregnant!

We are getting closer!  I feel like I am physically ready already but I know the baby isn't so I am glad there is still time for her.  I had my check up today and her heart rate was where it usually is: between 150 and 160.  She was kicking every time the doctor would move the wand!  Kezzie really wanted to hear the heart beat for longer so while the doctor measured my belly, Kezzie got to hold the heart beat machine all by herself!  She thought that was pretty cool!  Everything looks great.  My uterus is measuring at 33 weeks but that's still normal.  I was shocked when the doctor asked me if I wanted to see the baby on ultrasound.  I said yes of course and she took us into a different room.  I finally got to see a profile view of the baby (they haven't ever been able to get one before).  She is so cute.  She has distinct cheek-bones like Kezzie and sweet little ears.  She looked scrunched in there too as her knees were right up there by her chin!  We didn't get any printouts because she couldn't get it to hold a still image.  I was just glad to see her again.  I did ask the doctor jokingly if she knew anything about ventricles.  She said she didn't confidently know anything and scrolled over the top of the head.  I, of course, had no idea how to tell if the ventricles looked bigger or not, but I was certainly curious.  I guess we will just have to wait another month to find out!  God is in control, right?  I continue to go every two weeks and since my women doctor started back to work yesterday, I get to see her for the rest of my regular appointments!  Yipee!  Here are some pictures for now...

1 comment:

Jodean said...

You are getting so close! I will be keeping you and your precious little one in my prayers as her birthday approaches!