Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving was such a busy time for us!  Thursday ended up being a really fun day.  We thought it was just going to be a few relatives over to my parents' house but it ended up being almost everyone on my dad's side (except my sisters!).  It was so great to see family since we don't always get to in the winter it seems (we see them more in the summer at the river).  We just went for the day because we were busy trying to get ready for the girls' birthday party on Saturday.  Kezzie was more than ecstatic to get to spend the day with some of her favorite people.  She and Leora spent a lot of time outside building a fort (see photo below) with a hammer and nails even (I guess grandpa approved that!).  They even made a pretend alarm clock in their fort!  Alicia and Victoria had their usual fighting over Adah.  Who was going to carry her around, who was going to get to play with her!  Adah loves the attention and loves her cousins!  She has also become pretty attached to her great uncle Perry and Aunt Cindy.  I don't know what it is about that that makes me smile...I guess it's because I love them so much too!  Austin, of course, had a blast playing with the boys outside...this consists of Johnathan, Jonathan and Joshua.  It wouldn't be a Smith gathering without someone going to the ER.  Jonathan (Perry and Cindy's boy) ended up slipping outside and cutting his finger on a piece of glass.  Nothing a few stitches didn't fix! 
I love my family and am so Thankful this season for every one of them!  Not to mention my own little family!  Look at those cute kids (and the one growing in my belly!)  Life is such a joy!
Thanksgiving didn't stop with Thursday for us.  Friday we got to spend the evening with Brian's family and celebrate Thanksgiving!  His sister and family were coming into town for the girls' birthday party so it was only logical to have thanksgiving with them too!  We made an attempt at some family pictures and this is what we got!  I just had to dress the girls in their dresses because Grandma Uglum was the one that bought them (and they are so darn cute)!

Just the grandkids!
Thanksgiving didn't stop there either because since my sisters and their families weren't around when we had the big family Thanksgiving on Thursday, my mom decided to do a turkey of her own and celebrate with just our family.  It was a fantastic home cooked thanksgiving meal and another great day to be with family!  We are so blessed and so thankful for everything we have!

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