Monday, May 14, 2012

Eden is 5 MONTHS!!

Eden is such a sweetie.  She is growing so fast and learning all the time!  What a little chub she is!  I love making her smile and laugh which doesn't take much these days!  Especially when her siblings are around!
Eden loves to play on the floor with toys around her.  She does a really good job of holding on to her toys and playing for minutes at a time.  She continues to enjoy her tummy time but it's still not something she gets a whole lot of as she seems to either be sleeping or have just eaten!  She is starting to get on a better schedule as she is coming to the lower doses of her steroid, but it's still not great!  She is almost always awake around 3:30am and then again by 6:30.  She eats about every 2.5 hours (up from 2 a couple weeks ago!) the last one being right before I go to bed somewhere between 10 and 11.  She is still sleeping in our room since she is waking in the night but is getting very close to outgrowing her bassinet.  I will have to decide if I am going to make a bed in her room upstairs or possibly use the pack-n-play in our room.  I can't believe how big she is...what a great blessing God has given us!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I miss seeing her so much when more then a week goes by. She is growing up so fast!