Wednesday, September 05, 2012

My Dad...

I have a heavy heart.  My mom called last night to let me know Dad had an accident.  She right away said, "He's alive, he's going to be ok, but we are at the hospital."  Dad was working on some shelves for the church and ran a board through the table saw.  He pushed it through with his left hand, I guess and then reached across to pick up the board on the other side of the saw with his right hand.  His perception was off and he got his right fingers caught in the saw.  His thumb is fine but the first two fingers are hanging by a thread of skin, the next finger he actually pulled out of the chainsaw himself and laid it on the table, his pinky is still MIA.  I can't imagine how he must be feeling.  I can't imagine how he was feeling when it happened.  I am so sad for him.  He was aware enough to walk over to an area in the garage that had some clean rags and wrapped his hand up.  He then called the neighbor who took him to the hospital.  I'm not sure how mom found out from there but she was at aerobics until 6:30.  She was the one who brought his finger from home that he pulled out of the saw.  The doctor was giving hope as to whether the fingers could be re-attached so my sister and brother-in-law came to the house and looked for his pinky for an hour and a half.  It turned out last night when the surgeon started working on his hand there wasn't any way to save any of his fingers.  They had to cut away his knuckle to allow the skin to reach over and be sewn shut so all four fingers are cut below the middle knuckle.  It looks like he has five thumbs.  We know that God has a plan and that he will work this out for good somehow, but we are hurting for him.  Please pray for him.  He also has a very low tolerance to pain meds so just be praying that they can find one that works well and doesn't hurt his stomach. 

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