Friday, January 23, 2009

14 Months Old!!

Kezzie turned 14 months old today! I took these pictures in the morning after she woke up! She does have a calm side to her! In the first one she decided to play a little peek-a-boo...the second one she was thinking, 'Let's just get this over with so I can have breakfast!' She is so big! And so much fun to be around! We are having a blast building towers with blocks, figuring out shapes, playing in her pretend kitchen, reading lots of books, and chasing the dogs! She loves the dogs! There is never a dull moment when she is awake!

Kezzie is still nursing 3 times a day and still takes two naps a day. She is doing really well on solids but still hates whole milk. She has pretty much given up the rice cereal but still has it on occasion. She is growing like a weed...I can't believe she is growing up so fast.

And she is incredibly smart. Now, I know she's my daughter so I have to say that, but she is really smart! You can teach her just about anything and she gets it. She is saying so many things lately. She watches your mouth to see how you say it and then she will give it her best try. Sometimes it sounds nothing like it but you can tell she is eager to learn! A couple of her new words are 'cheese' and 'chicken', among many others. One really funny thing I have to make note of is that she is obsessed with baby wipes. Actually any kind of wipes. She pulls several at a time out of the dispenser and shoves them in her mouth as fast as she can before I can take them away. She sucks the liquid out of them and sniffs them. I don't intentionally let her do this, of course, but she does it every chance she gets. Even the sanitizing wipes. I use them to clean the tables and her high chair and occasionally her hands and she tries to eat them. Even with the biter nasty taste (yes I tested it to see what is so great about them) she still wants to suck on them. She's so sneaky, you really have to watch her!!

Kezzie and daddy have a fun game she loves to play...she grabs the remote and daddy chases her. She knows how much daddy hates it when she has the remote (and yes, sadly she knows exactly what to do with it) so she will 'run' as fast as she knows how and she giggles and screams until he catches her and then they giggle and scream together. It's so great to see her play with him! They have a lot of fun together and Brian is a great dad!

I know I say it every month and that still doesn't seem like it's enough but God has blessed us so greatly with the kids that we have. They are such an incredible gift to us. We are so thankful He has entrusted their lives to us. What an awesome responsibility!

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