Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brady turned 3!!

Today was definitely a day filled with lots of fun!  To top off the day we celebrated Brady's 3rd birthday!  I can hardly believe he is three already!  Keziah skipped her nap earlier today due to our family get together so she was snoozing in the car by the time we got back to New Hampton!  Mat and Steph were kind of in a hurry to get back to MN because the weather is going to get bad later tonight.  We ordered pizza from Poor Richards and had cake and ice cream.  Brady got some really fun gifts too!  I think his favorite gift was a puzzle that was four different puzzles in the same box.  He also got a set of golf clubs.  We just got him a boring ol' gift card, but at least maybe he can go and get some more puzzles if he wants!!  Happy Birthday Brady!  You are growing so fast!  We love you bunches and are excited to see what your next year brings!
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