Sunday, January 02, 2011


Here are a few pics from our weekend.  We stayed at my parents' house and after putting the kids to bed got to go out on a date.  We went to a movie-True Grit.  It was a fantastic movie!  I really didn't think I would be able to sit through a western but it got such great reviews I obliged!  I love that photo of Adah with daddy.  Are they not basically identical twins?!! That next photo of Adah in her car seat is a daily occurrence.  She LOVES to go places and lets us know all the time!  She grabs her pink snow suit and whines to have it put on her head.  Sometimes she will lay it on the floor and lay on top of it hoping we will zip her in!  Other times she will just climb into her car seat and sit for several minutes before getting bored.  Yesterday I actually had to move her car seat out of sight just to get her to stop crying/whining because she was so frustrated we weren't going anywhere!  The bottom middle photo is great too because #1 that is an iPad (thank-you mom and dad Uglum for that great family Christmas gift), #2 the girls are doing something together that doesn't involve fighting, #3 the girls are doing something together that doesn't involve ME!  Kezzie caught on the first time we ever played it.  She knows her way around really well and can play pretty much any game she is allowed without any assistance.  The two outer bottom pics are of the girls playing at my parents' house in the sun room.  I love that the TV is downstairs and they don't have cable so there is no temptation for it.  Kezzie gets creative with cushions sometimes and Adah, of course, is right behind her!  The sun room is also a great spot to watch birds and squirrels (and an occasional turkey or owl) and trains too!
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