Monday, December 27, 2010

Adah is 13 MONTHS!

Here's my sweet Adah!  Already over a year old.  I can't believe it!  She is so much fun and like Keziah I haven't taken the time to log anything this month with the holidays and being so busy!  There are a couple things I can post about from memory:
Adah  got her 10th tooth this month (Dec. 8-top L molar).  She learned to say 'na na' (no no) and 'nigh nigh' (night night).  She says this as we are walking out of Kezzie's room at night!  She has learned many things this month.  I can't tell you how sweet and smart she is, you just have to see it for yourself.  She LOVES to dance.  She dances in circles sometimes with her left arm leading her (I will try to get video).  She has also learned how to do a somersault (tucks her head and puts her hands down and then we pull her legs over) and pretty much anything else big sister Kezzie will do.  She started copying Kezzie in the bath when Kezzie puts her face in the water to blow bubbles except Adah isn't as successful, so we have to try to discourage her sometimes!!  And Kezzie isn't always aware of the things she is doing that Adah can't do (ie: climb up the side of the banister on the outside)!  Someday she will be doing everything Kezzie does!  And they will be the best of friends and live happily ever after!  Isn't that the way it is supposed to go?  Ha Ha!  We will see!! 
Sorry this post is so short, we'll have lots to talk about next month!!
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