Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Humbled by my Christmas tree!

First of all, I have been pouting and complaining about how bad I want a new Christmas tree for a long time.  Every time I am at the store I am looking for a new one and obsessing over the prices.  This was all in an effort to avoid having to put up the Christmas tree I have had to put up every year for way too long.  It was a tree given to me by my grandma Smith and who knows how many years she put it up for.  I was determined to NOT have to put that tree up and avoided it for a long time.  Finally, I resolved myself to Brian not agreeing to a new tree, sucked it up and retrieved it from storage (11/30).  To my surprise, I fell in love with my tree all over again.  I knew it was God working on my heart and Him teaching me to let my husband be a leader.  It was like God reached into that box and arranged the branches before I even put it up because when I set it up I seriously didn't have to rearrange or primp any of the branches!  I took care to center the base and get it set up perfectly so I could be as happy with it as possible and in the end it was like a new tree I was seeing for the first time anyway!  Unfortunately, the devil was working against me and just a couple of days ago (12/12) Austin was retrieving a ball out from under the tree and just the slight brush of his back made it come crashing down to the floor.  Thankfully it didn't fall down on him (or anybody else) and only a few bulbs broke while all the others fell to the floor.  So, not knowing what to do with it, I left the tree unlit, propped up against the corner between the stairs and wall and ignored the huge project in front of me...until today (12/14)!  I got a plan of how to fix the problem (there have been too many holes drilled into the post of the tree).  I ended up putting a toilet paper roll around the post and wrapped it with duct tape and set it back up.  It was still a little un-sturdy so I put duct tape around it AND the stand.  I don't think it is going anywhere!  But, unfortunately we are going to have to find a different solution for next year.  Upon un-decorating the tree so I could 'fix' the post, I also decided to move it more into the living room area. I had to rearrange some furniture but I am so much happier with this set-up then before!  It was a blessing in disguise that the tree fell because now it is safer AND it is in a better place (it's also in front of a window so people outside can see our pretty lights too)!  I never took a picture of it going up in the not-so-favored spot it was in before (the same as all the other years), but here is a picture of it in its new spot!  God has a funny way of working everything out for good!  Who would have thought I would be humbled by my Christmas tree?! 

1 comment:

The Josh Hill Family..... said...

Hi! Check out the Prov. 31 mininstry devotional page. This devotional titled, "You're the one I want." made me think of you and your humbled tree post!
I love you!