Saturday, December 04, 2010

My monkey!

Here is my little monkey.  She LOVES to climb everything.  I don't even have pictures for all the things she tries (usually successfully) to climb!  She is definitely not afraid of falling.  Her favorite place to climb is onto the couch.  She is still too little to do this from the floor so she usually has to use either the window sill or the basket of books.  Once she is up there she flops around giggling or stands up and walks the length of the couch before plopping down on her belly (supervised, of course).  Her other favorite place to climb is the rocker.  She likes to push that around to places she wants to get up to.  One common place she pushes it over to is our shelf with a lot of pictures on it.  She holds onto the back and rocks herself as if she is surfing.
There are a few other places pictured that I can find her throughout the day.  Her recently discovered one is behind the toy box on the window sill.  She will hang out there for quite some time before either climbing out or whining to be rescued!  There is usually one of those leap frog musical tables right next to the toy box and she typically has to climb onto that first before getting behind the toy box to sit on the window sill!
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