Monday, February 18, 2013

Rubber Ducky...You're the one!!!

Or in this case...rubber doggy!  Eden loves her bath toys and thoroughly enjoys the water.  Isn't she just the sweetest?!!!  I often have to pull the clear shower curtain to keep myself from all her giddy splashes!  After we get her all washed up and tell her it's time for her to get out she gets really upset.  Her sisters get in gradually toward the end of her bath but they stay in for quite a while after she is out.  She can't stand it when they are in there and she isn't.  I take her in her room to get jammies on and she crawls back to the bathroom just as fast as she can.  I have to be careful to keep her arms uncovered because once she gets in there she stands up next to the tub, hangs over the side of the tub causing her to get on her tippy toes, waving her arms through the water hoping to get wet!  So far she's only gone over once.  I was right there...don't worry!!
When it's time for a bath all I have to do is sign 'bath' and she knows exactly what I'm talking about!  She gets super excited and crawls over to the steps to head upstairs.  She vigorously signs bath and says something that resembles the word over and over.  
She also gets to have her teeth brushed before bed.  She equally likes this task.  She opens wide and holds her mouth open and when I'm done I tell her to stick her tongue out so I can brush it and she says 'ahhhh'.  All those little things AMAZE me!  God is good!

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