Thursday, October 16, 2008

Challenges for the Heart

At my church we are currently doing a teaching series where we are being challenged to identify with the under-resourced. Here is a list of the challenges put before our congregation. I encourage you to check them out and maybe pick a challenge for yourself so that you can better connect your heart with the less privileged people of the world. This is something our church is doing the week of Oct. 13-19 but it can definitely be done any time.

Pray For the Poor

Connecting with the Poor at Meal Time
-During this week, we ask you to consider how you and your family might choose to remember and identify with those in need.
-Eat only rice and beans the entire week or part of this week.
-Refrain from spending any discretionary money at restaurants or stores this week.
-You might consider fasting from all food for a given time this week.

Child Sponsorship
-If you already sponsor a child somewhere in the world, we ask that you bring your child’s photo to the counter in the lobby October 12. We will make a copy of the photo and place your sponsored child’s photo on a sponsorship wall.
-We ask that you consider sponsoring a child from Haiti or Mozambique. You may sign up to sponsor a child at the counter in the lobby on October 5, 12, and 19. Our church is really trying to focus on these two areas to try and make the biggest impact possible.
-Write and send a letter to your sponsored child. Remember your sponsored child in your prayers.

Here is the link to my church and a link to the blog concerning the Challenges for the Heart.

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