Friday, October 03, 2008

Kezzie's Schedule-10 1/2 months

Wakes at 7:15
Nurses at 7:15
Eats at 8:15. 1/4 C rice cereal mixed with half of a #2 fruit container and 1/4 C water.
Naps at 9
Wakes between 10 and 10:30
Nurses at 10:30
Eats lunch between 11:30 and noon. Usually leftover chicken cut up with diced carrots or peas or she will still eat baby food veggies as long as I give that to her before any finger foods. If we are away from home I take the Gerber Graduates raviolis that have ground chicken and veggies inside. She loves those! She will also bite off pieces from a slice of turkey lunch meat that I roll up. She will drink about 1-2 ounces of juice mixed with water with her lunch from a sippy cup.
Naps at 1 or 1:30
Wakes between 3 and 3:30
Nurses between 3 and 3:30
Nurses at 6:30
Eats at 7:00. 1/4 C rice cereal mixed with half of a #2 fruit container and 1/4 C water.
Bath every other night before bed.
Bed by 7:30 or 8:00
Nurses in her sleep between 9:30 and 10 before I go to bed.

I am considering, at this point, getting rid of her 6:30 feeding and instead giving her cereal when we eat dinner around 6. And then nursing her around 7 before she goes to bed at 7:30. There are some days she doesn't want that feeding anyway. I will let her decide though! I don't think it will be too long from now!

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