Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kezzie's newest!

10/20 This week Kezzie is officially on 4 nursings. We knocked out the 6ish feeding (see 10 1/2 month schedule) and now give her cereal at that time along with a little bit of whatever we are having for dinner. She then nurses at 7:30 before going to bed. She is sleeping wonderful through the night waking only a couple times to search for her paci and still doesn't wake for another feeding until 7/7:30am. She is such a good baby!

10/21 Kezzie got her eighth tooth! I think this is kind of what caused us to ditch the 6ish feeding because she always wants to eat less when her teeth are bothering her. However, she hasn't wanted that feeding back so we will go with it! She has also been doing her 'biting while nursing' thing again which should have been another clue she was getting a tooth. At least I know it will pass!

10/22 Kezzie stood for more than 20 seconds all on her own! It's so cute...she will start to lose her balance and then catch herself and you can tell she is so proud because she gets a big smile on her face! She has also started moving around the furniture and will reach from the coffee table to the couch causing her to take a step or two without anything to hold onto!

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