Monday, March 23, 2009

16 months and a Doctor Visit...

A day later she was in a little better spirits so I snapped a couple more...

Kezzie turned 16 months old today. I can't believe how big she is getting. It's a yucky, rainy, windy day and she's sick
:( We will head over to the doctor at 11 to make sure she doesn't have an infection. I must say we have been very blessed to have a healthy little girl so far and hope to keep it that way. Hopefully it's just a cold and it will pass. She is coughing from the depths of her body though and the mucus is practically gagging her! We had a rough night last night but overall she did better then expected. *UPDATE* Kezzie checked out just fine at the doctor. Weighing in at a whopping 23 lbs..."She must just have a nasty drainy cold" is what the doctor thinks. Her ears are clear as can be and her lungs sounded great! Great News!
This morning I was reading books with her and we came to a page that had several different household items on it. We are in the quizzing Kezzie phase of life because I love seeing what she knows. I started out with a pretty easy one,
"where is the phone?" She pointed to it. I next asked,
"where is the computer?" She pointed to it. And last I asked, "where is the saw?" And she even pointed to that. I am amazed at the things she comprehends and how easy she learns things. We have similar animal books and she has no trouble pointing to each requested animal (ie. pig, horse, snake, turtle, rabbit, sheep, etc.). She even knows what a butterfly and bee are. She absolutely loves reading books and almost every day empties out our book basket. I hope that never gets old for her and she grows up to be just as smart (or smarter) as her daddy!
Kezzie is following Austin more and more these days and thinks she should be able to do just as much as him and do it the way he does it. While outside she tries to copy Austin while he shoots hoops and if Austin is running around the yard with a friend, she is close to follow. Another thing I have noticed is she doesn't have a fear of heights. While sitting at the top of a slide she will kick her legs to push herself off or just turn around as if she is going down a set of stairs and slides down feet first on her belly. It's so fun to watch her go-get'em kind of attitude!
Keziah is almost ready to give up her morning nap. I have had to limit it to an hour and no more then that to ensure that she lays down for her afternoon nap. I'm sure it won't be long and she will be done napping in the morning altogether. She also occasionally only nurses once a day leading me to believe she really could be done nursing. Since she has gotten this cold it seems like the only way she is taking in fluids is through nursing so she has been nursing 2-3/day. Before that she wasn't nursing at night anymore. I am pretty sure it's harder on me to know she is growing up then it is for her to be done, but gradually we are getting there. She oddly still signs 'milk' at each nap time but I know she really doesn't want/need it. My baby is growing up!

1 comment:

Keith and Jamie Recker said...

My poor Kezi! I hope she isn't sick for too long!