Thursday, March 26, 2009

All Done! All Done!

Kezzie has decided that's it for breastfeeding. Last time she nursed was yesterday morning. I am so thankful it was on her own time, although it is going to be hard for me to adjust. She keeps asking for it because she thinks it's a good idea and wants that oh so familiar comfort, but when we get all set to go she puts her hands up and signs all done over and over! I feel such a peace knowing that she did it because she was ready and I think that will help me move onto the next phase of life! I know that sounds weird but when you have nourished in that way for over a year every single day, and then just instantly you are no longer needed, it is an adjustment. I'm excited to see what other ways we find to bond and to maybe even leave her overnight with grandparents for the first time ever!! Change is good...sometimes I just have to keep telling myself that!


Emily said...

Way to go Erin! Way to go Kez! I will always remember how sad I was the last time Ethan nursed. I thought I could have nursed him forever...that silly Bennett snuck up on us though!:) They grow up so fast. I can't believe Kez is almost a year and a half already!

Keith and Jamie Recker said...

oh no this means she is getting big.... good luck on adjusting. Oh yeah and now you can leave her at Aunt Jamie's for the night.... :)