Friday, March 06, 2009

Warm Weather...

What a fantastic day...we actually were able to get out and enjoy this beautiful sun-shiny day! It was close to 60 degrees here in New Hampton. It felt fabulous! I think I was walking on cloud nine the whole day and still am today! Next week is supposed to be much colder again so we had to enjoy it while we could. We started out our adventure with a walk in the stroller with the dogs on their leashes. This turned out to be a mistake because it was quite muddy and the dogs kick a lot of dirt up onto their bellies since they sit so low to the ground. Needless to say they couldn't go into the house without first being dried and brushed off with a towel (a bath was out of the question at the moment). Kezzie displayed a lot of patience in the stroller as mommy did all this! Continuing on our adventure, we blew bubbles outside. This is one of Keziah's favorite things to do. She got bubbles for Valentine's day and even though they are a bit messy, this is something we have been doing inside on the kitchen floor while it has been cold outside. It was nice not to worry about the mess for once and just let her give it a try...stickiness and all! To finish out our adventure we played on the playground in our own backyard. Kezzie had a blast going down the slide and climbing on the jungle gym. She also thoroughly enjoyed her swing. I can't wait to be able to do this every day! God blessed us with this day just when we needed it most too! What a nice break from the dreary winter weather!
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