Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Adah Kathleen-2 months!

Wow...she's already two months old. I know that is the classic thing to say but it really is amazing how fast time goes by. And oh how they grow...She started sleeping 9.5 hours just this week. She doesn't have a schedule during the day but I try to have her last fed by 9:30pm. She will then make it until 7am, most of the time. Well, actually I wouldn't call it 'making it'... I hold her off until then. She typically wakes up a few times between 3am and 7, but doesn't complain too much and always falls back to sleep. Also just this week I have been laying her in her bassinet for her naps. She seems to sleep longer/better in a quiet area. She doesn't have a nap schedule but whenever she looks drowsy or falls asleep on me I will lay her in there (her bassinet is in our bedroom). At night time I have a special swaddler that I put her in. It holds her really tight and keeps her warm but during the day I just wrap her in a blanket. At the beginning of her second month she had her first smile (12/31/09) and her first coo (1/9/10). And now at the end of her second month she is cooing a lot more and will talk to pretty much anything bright or dark colored like our ceiling fan. She has terrible cradle cap but on the bright side, her baby acne has subsided quite a bit. Her spitting up is much better however she does still have some bad days, or even just a random bad feeding (probably something I am eating). She is nursing anywhere between 7-8 feedings a day and still sleeps almost the whole day. In the evening she seems to be the most awake having almost a 3 hour stretch.
Doctor Check-up: Weighed in at 11 lbs. 14 oz.-75th % (that's almost 2 lbs more then Kezzie at this age). I guess I don't need to worry about her sleeping through the night! She is 22.5" long-50th%. She is getting chubby in some areas and definitely still has her double chin! In other words she isn't starving! She had to have three shots and drink something too. I made sure she needed to nurse so that I could do that immediately after her shots to comfort her, so she did really well drinking the liquid. She kept gargling it because she was trying to 'talk' to the nurse that was giving it to her. She naturally screamed when they did the shots but seemed fine while I nursed her. Tonight she seems a little fussy but is doing just fine.
Funny Adah story: (12/28/09) I was sending Austin off to spend the weekend with his dad who had just arrived at our house. As he was standing by our entryway door I was holding Adah forward facing and Kezzie was standing in front of me (showing off as usual) and we were all just standing around talking before Austin left. All of the sudden Travis' fiance Linda said, "um, Adah just spit up in Keziah's hair". She is such a sweet and quiet person and she said it so calmly. It was the biggest glob of puke and it hit just right on the top of her head that it slid all the way down the back of her head, down her shirt and onto the floor. I was laughing so hard I could hardly wipe it off-partly because Kezzie didn't even know it happened and why we were all laughing and also partly because it took me back to the memory of my nephew getting pooped on all over his face while watching his little brother get a diaper change. Just when you least expect it...God gives you a laugh!
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