Monday, January 18, 2010

Wintery Fun!

On Sunday we were at my parents' house after church. I wanted to take all the kids out but Emily and Adam had to be somewhere so it was just me and my own. We still had a blast since mom and dad have some great hills for sledding. Kezzie hasn't ever been sledding so we first had her go down with Austin. After the first time, she wanted to go it alone. She had a blast. Then she wanted to ride the snowmobile with Grandpa since she had seen Austin do it. Last year she was deathly afraid of the thing but this year hopped right on without any problems. Dad took her slowly around the yard a couple times and she just grinned from ear to ear. Grandpa isn't so gentle with Austin though...they tear around all over the field across the driveway and all around their yard. They even tipped it once. I would be worried except my dad is pretty much the most cautious person on the planet. Kezzie also enjoyed making snow angels like she has seen done on Sesame Street. And when we were all done in the snow she just had to go for a spin in the little car. She says, "I'm going to the office." Just like daddy says!
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