Monday, May 16, 2011

Potty Training!!

(Sorry if you don't want to look at poop and pee pictures!) 
Yep, you read that heading right! We are at it again!  We started bright and early Monday morning May 2nd. As many of you already know, I am a huge fan of the naked method.  I don't know who originally came up with the idea but John Rosemond is an advocate and I like a lot of his parenting ideas.  I have seen a couple articles by him on this particular method of training.  It also became a part of my life way back when Austin was in an in-home daycare and training at 18 months.  Nancy (the provider) just decided he was ready.  She taught me all I needed to know and between the two of us (and probably with the help of my parents) Austin was trained quickly!  I still can't believe she was willing to deal with all that.  God definitely blessed me in many ways having her in my life! 
 Here is a summary of how the last two weeks have gone:
Day 1: Three successes before 10AM!  The rest of the day was hit and miss.  The biggest issue was her crying and not wanting to sit when I knew and she knew she needed to go.  She was very afraid of the feeling and letting it go.  I partially feel at fault for this because we got so excited when she peed her first pee of the day that maybe it scared her in some way.  I would have to sit in front of her on the potty (facing her) and just hold her legs down until it started to come out.  She would start to cry when it started coming and squirm even more so I would have to hold her down.  I wasn't sure if I was going to continue but she wasn't having many accidents and when she did it was just little dribbles and then off to the potty.  I knew she was getting it so I decided to give it the week. 
Day 2: There was a lot of crying!  She was still very afraid and acted almost like it was hurting to release it.  The same story continued with her crying and squirming when her pee started coming out.  I was worried I was jeopardizing getting her trained EVER by forcing her to sit there and decided to see how the evening went.  I can't tell you how much prayer went into my every moment of the day and I really feel like God was giving me peace with what happened next.  I was making supper and had the potty seat next to me in the kitchen.  Adah literally walked into the kitchen, opened the potty lid and sat down.  I sat down in front of her and positioned her correctly (she couldn't quite get herself on there all the way).  I started holding her legs and like every time before she started crying and squirming when she started going.  BUT this time while her pee was coming out she was clapping and smiling while she was crying.  This was a huge improvement!  The rest of the evening was the same.  I was so HAPPY!  This was my ticket to go on to the next day.
Day 3: I had to leave the house for a hour in the morning so she wet in her diaper.  She had two successes before lunch though and even had a successful poop right after lunch!  She woke from her 2.5 hour nap DRY!  She told me she had to pee and went!  There was very little crying when the pee would come (still squirming and I would lightly hold her legs) and much excitement!
So here we are on Day 15 and she is doing great.  Last Monday (day 8) we left the house for a short time with training undies on.  She has since then gone just about everywhere in undies.  Even day 7 (the first Sunday after starting training) we had to pull over on our way to church so she could pee in the little potty.  She had a diaper on but she really had to go and didn't want to release it in her diaper.  I still wasn't comfortable putting her in undies for church yesterday (day 14) because for one we have an hour drive (don't need pee on the car seat!) and for two I didn't want the nursery to worry about her peeing in her pants.  She stayed DRY the whole day yesterday.  We did have to pull over again just a couple miles from church so she could pee but she did excellent all day even staying dry for her almost 3 hour nap!  Now here we are today (two weeks to the day of starting) and she is amazing.  She has taken herself to the potty twice already after waking up with a barely wet diaper.  Now if I could just teach her how to say a word for pee and poop.  ANY word would be nice.  Right now all I'm getting is a panicked look and she points to her butt (for poop and pee).  She does kind of say a noise with the back of her throat that resembles the word poop, I guess.  What a smart little girl!  And to think I almost gave up on the second day!  Thank-you Jesus for the peace to keep going!

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