Sunday, May 22, 2011


Adam had the brilliant idea to throw Emily a surprise party to celebrate a few things that are happening in her life! First of all she completely finished college-never going back! She went back to school to get her endorsement in school counseling. So on top of that she started a new job as a student counselor for the Denver school system, working with kids k-8th grade. Lastly, it's her birthday on Monday and she turns a young 32 years old! Emily has come a long way. Being pregnant with Alanna and getting through school wasn't easy along with being a mom, working a full time job and worrying about where life was taking her next consumed her everyday for the last couple years! I am so incredibly proud of her. I have no idea how she survived it and I'm sure she is wondering the same thing. I know there were days she was barely getting through! But it has all been worth it and best of all God's plan is all coming together for her with the new job that she has and LOVES! We wanted her to have something new for her desk at work so we got her a willow tree angle that's holding an apple. She is making such a difference in the lives of all of those kids and it's exciting to know what an impact she is having on them (as all teachers are).  The angel says 'You are the best.  Thank you for making a difference.'  I thought that was pretty fitting!  We also gave her a little birthday money so she can get herself something to enjoy!  Happy Birthday, graduation, new job Day, Emily!  We love you!
Emily says she was very surprised and had no idea anything was even planned!  We all hid upstairs at Peppers in Cedar Falls and when the waitress pretended to seat them up there we all yelled, 'surprise!'

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