Thursday, June 23, 2011

Keziah is 43 MONTHS!

Here she is...another month older!  She is so hilarious and getting so big!  She is becoming more interested in playing with Adah.  She doesn't treat her so much like a baby anymore and instead considers her a friend and playmate!  Sometimes she will try to get her to do things that Adah really doesn't want to do and that's when she gets herself into trouble, but for the most part they are playing really well together!  Kezzie has taken an increase interest in her babies these days too!  She plays with them for longer periods of time, feeding them and putting them to bed.  She will also strap them into her baby backpack and carry them around.  It's nice to see her being so caring and gentle!
I only have one funny quote that I can remember from this month: Kezzie was sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast and I was putting her hair up and she very matter-of-factly said, "Mom, my magic wand is right over there if you want to change me into a beautiful girl!"  The conversation continued from there (as if that wasn't cute enough)...I said, "I don't need that, you are already a beautiful girl!"  To which she responded saying, "you are too, mom!"  I love our little conversations!
Something strange/funny I discovered about Kezzie this month is that she talks and moves A LOT in her sleep.  Earlier this month she woke me in the middle of the night screaming STOP, STOP, STOP!  I didn't go check on her because she was quiet after that, but a little later she said something to the same effect but with more words and whining.  It sounded just like a fight she daily has with her brother! I'm pretty sure he must have been tickling her to death in her dream or something!  Another instance was when I was at my parents' house and was sharing a room with her and Adah.  I was extra in tune to the noise around me because I didn't want them waking each other up.  Keziah was seriously lifting and dropping her legs up and down and it was loud.  She was also talking gibberish.  I went over to her bed to see what the problem was and there was no response, she was out cold!  Adah never woke up either!  The plan is to someday soon have Kezzie and Adah sharing a room so I hope this isn't ever a problem.  One more thing I wanted to mention about Kezzie is her love for picking her silverware at mealtime.  I don't even get her utensils anymore.  I just instruct her to come pick her own out because every time I do I get the wrong ones.  The only time I can get it right is when a certain set is clean.  The set that you get free from Gerber when you have a baby!  They are tiny and she loves them.  If those are dirty then she has to see it for herself and will usually pick the next smallest ones she can find.  Just a little strange fact about her!!
There was a day this month (the last week) that I really felt like Kezzie got bigger.  She just woke up acting more mature, looking bigger, listening more, and just plain seemed bigger.  I think I looked at her funny the whole day because she was just different.  I saw my sister a couple of days later and she said the same thing!  I am so blessed to have this sweet girl in my life and love watching her learn every day!  What a big girl she is becoming!

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