Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Adah is 20 MONTHS!

My sweet Adah!  I can't believe how much she has changed this month!  Where do I begin?  She has started saying so much this month.  She is also developing such a funny personality.  She likes to make people laugh and LOVES to show off.  Her favorite talent she shows off is her hopping and jumping!  She is really good at it too!  She continues to follow her older sister everywhere and mimics everything she says and does.  I just love to sit back and watch it.  Not being an older sibling myself, I think it's pretty funny.  I'm not so sure that Kezzie feels the same way!
Adah got her last bottom eye tooth (L) on  June 28th.  I am hoping this is it for a while.  I guess it won't be too long though and she will be working on those 2 year molars.  Ugh!
Now, are you sitting down for this next one?  I actually quit nursing Adah this month.  Huge shocker, I know.  Even I wasn't sure it was ever going to end! Don't be fooled, I LOVED every minute of it 'til the end and was so blessed to be able to nourish her that way.  This pregnant momma was just too tired for it!  I thought it was time and honestly, she didn't hardly bat an eye at it!  So on the morning of July 3rd, we were at my parents house, camping for the fourth and she was way too distracted to care that I was breaking from the norm of nursing her.  The next morning was the same.  It wasn't until we were home on the morning of the fifth that she noticed something was different.  But still hardly cried and was satisfied when I offered her some juice instead!  Just a short 5-6 months before I start nursing the next one! 
Another new thing for Adah this month was she got her hair cut for the first time on July 5th.  She cried for the first few minutes but mainly because she wasn't sitting on my lap anymore!  She watched Austin get his hair cut and then it was her turn.  She looked like such a big girl sitting up there on that booster.  My biggest fear was that it would ruin her curls.  I think it only made them stronger!  Such a doll!
Another thing I want to remember is Adah maybe had Hand Foot and Mouth disease starting July 11th.  Keziah definitely had it the week before complaining of a very sore throat and barely eating anything.  But Adah never stopped eating or complained once.  She had blisters on her toes and maybe a couple on her hands but she definitely had some blisters on her throat.  I just don't understand why it wouldn't have bothered her so we aren't sure if that was what it was.
That's all for now...until next month, my faithful readers!

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