Sunday, December 18, 2011

Uglum Family Christmas!!

Brian went home last night to be with the kids while I stayed behind in the NICU with Eden :(  I really felt like the kids could use some time with their dad being home in their own beds for a couple nights.  Today Brian's family celebrated Christmas.  His sister and her family were home from Minnesota so the kids were really looking forward to some time with their cousins too. Adah is smitten for her Uncle Mat and this funny talking Gopher (it sings that one song: I'm alright, nobody worry about me, etc.).  I think at one point the gopher went missing though because the button got pushed a few too many times!  And the girls always have a good time cuddling with their Auntie Steph.  Earlier this morning I talked to Riley (Brian's dad) and asked him how hard it would be to set up Skype.  He and Mat said they would work together to get it going.  It was the best gift ever to be able to see my little family.  It was so neat to talk to each of them and see what they got as gifts.  Kezzie didn't know what to think at first.  I could tell she was a little weirded out to see me on the live motion!  I miss them so very much and can't wait to see them when they get here tomorrow!  We have a suite reserved at the Ronald McDonald House.  How nice is that?  What a blessing it will be to share little Eden with her big brother and sisters.  It was a great day today...God is so good!

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