Kezzie is becoming quite the chatter box...even though she only knows a few words, her brain tells her she can talk. She looks at us and I swear she is telling us a story! Here are some of the things she is mastering these days!
10/28 Says 'hi'
10/30 Says 'Ah-tin' for Austin
10/31 Mooos like a cow
10/31 Makes an elephant noise
10/31 Growls like a lion
10/31 Says 'hot' and uses it appropriately most of the time!
10/31 Plays Peek-a-boo
10/31 Gives us a movie and signs 'movie' when she wants to watch one!
11/1 Says 'baby'
11/1 Says 'bye'
11/2 Says 'Papa' for grandpa
11/8 Points to eyes, nose and sticks out tongue when asked where these things are. She also points to my teeth when I ask her to point to her teeth.
11/10 Says 'hup' for cup
11/21 Says 'appa' for apple
Other signs she has known for a while: drink, milk, bath, play, hello/good-bye,