Monday, November 03, 2008

A Cedar Rapids Visit!

On Saturday we decided to head to our old stomping grounds and visit some friends. We stopped first to my good friend, Angie's house. She has three wonderful kids who I miss seeing often. Kezzie and the kids had a blast together while the adults talked! Then Brian and I went on to Westdale mall...not much happening there but we were able to do a little shopping which is way out of the norm for us. Then we went to Kristin's house to visit her and the new baby. My friend Jami was also there and Brian had plans to visit some friends so it was just us girls (and Hunter) for the evening. It is always great to see them! And Hunter is such a sweet boy. He is adorable! On Sunday Brian visited an old co-worker and took Kezzie with. And then once Kezzie laid down for a nap Kristin and I ventured out to lunch and Target with sleepy Hunter. It was a great visit and a much needed vacation away from home! I am already missing them again! We'll go back again soon but I think Hunter needed Kezzie and all her noisiness to leave for a bit...he started plugging his ears and saying "la, la, la, la, la!" (see picture for proof!!

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