Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catching up!

11/4 I can't believe the weather this year. Kezzie is actually in a short sleeve shirt and we have our doors and windows open. She is enjoying watching the cars go by out our front door. There isn't much action, but she still hangs around waiting for the next one to go by! Or maybe she's watching for big brother to come home from school!
This is just a random cute picture of me and my sweet girl!
This is a photo of Kezzie's masterful placement of chairs. She pulls one out from the dining room table and walks with it until she runs into something. This is usually where she gets stuck! They are the perfect chairs for learning to walk because they have wheels. She does a good job of not letting them get away from her!
There are three things that Kezzie is really really into right now and those are: books, her farm animals & barn and her two monkeys on loan from Austin! What could be better than monkeys swinging around in the barn with the farm animals?! In the second picture she is holding onto one of those screaming flying monkeys...she adores it and carries it everywhere with her. It is her favorite of the two monkeys. However, either of the two monkeys will do when it's time for bed! Austin has a third monkey that is black and she wants nothing to do with that one!

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