Saturday, November 01, 2008


It was fun to take the kids out trick-or-treating. We started out at G-ma & pa Uglum's house. From there we went home and got our dogs to walk with us out trick-or-treating. We were only out for about 45 minutes. Believe it or not Austin was the one complaining to go home (Kezzie wasn't exactly content toward the end either). It was because he was tired of his costume. The mask didn't leave much breathing room so he kept saying, "my cheeks are getting chapped!" And the robe part was sagging. I really think he was just happy enough with the amount of candy he had and ready to be home where he could count his loot and watch TV! We didn't carve pumpkins this year for some reason. We just never got around to it. It's too bad because that is my favorite part of Halloween. The dogs were pretty wore out when we got back and Bucky had to spend some time in his kennel because his paws just couldn't take the walk and were bleeding everywhere. We didn't know it until we got back though :(

Once we got home where we were warm (not that it wasn't the nicest Halloween night I can remember) we got our candy dish ready so we could hand out candy the remainder of the time. Kezzie managed to sneak a chocolate tootsie pop from the bowl and was carrying it around the house sucking on it with just the wrapper on. Evidently she scraped a little piece of the paper away and was getting some flavor...she was LOVING it!! I didn't have the heart to take it away quite yet so I did what any smart and good mom would do...I took the wrapper off. Only for a couple sucks! And then came the tantrum! (Note to self-make sure you are going to let her finish it if you are going to let her have it!)

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