Monday, December 28, 2009

Adah's 1 month old!

Adah is growing so much these days. I can't believe she's already been around for a month. At her 2 week check up she was growing great. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 4 oz. and still the same height as her birth. My biggest concern at her check up was her excessive amount of spitting up. The doctor said we would assess the situation at her two month check up but for now since she is gaining weight he wants me to just wait. Adah also has a 'stork bite' on her right eye lid. It's a birth mark. The doctor said she will probably outgrow it. Other than those two things her appointment went very well!

Now at a month old, Adah continues to spit up. It is gradually getting better though. After talking with a lactating consultant she has been having me try feeding her every 2 hours during the day and every 3 at night. This will allow her to get the calories she needs spread over several feedings so she isn't stuffing herself. After a couple weeks of this, I don't think it really is helping much! But feeding so often during the day is causing her to sleep longer stretches at night-the longest being almost 6 hours!! I eventually got to a point where I couldn't get up every 3 hours. I just wasn't hearing my alarm. I am excited to see how much she has gained at her 2 month check!

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