Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Black Friday Baby #2 is here!!!

(Yes. I know it is weird, Keziah was born on black friday too!)

Adah Kathleen Uglum
Born: November 27th, 2009 @ 5:16pm
7 pounds 10 ounces
20.25 inches long
Proud Brother Austin and big sister Keziah!

Thanksgiving day we spent the day in Cedar Falls, I was feeling really leery of going back to New Hampton because I just kind of had this feeling that I wasn't going to make it much longer. That night, back at home, we got the kids to bed and I went to bed myself. I started having some contractions but only five of them were consistently 10 minutes apart. I called the hospital and after talking with a nurse decided to give it more time. Ironically I didn't have another one after that conversation. I fell asleep and was awakened at 4am with a strong gush from my lower abdomen. I knew exactly what happened and got out of bed in time to save my sheets. Brian immediately called his mom and she came over. Shortly after 5am we were walking into the hospital. The entire drive down I didn't have a single strong contraction. I'm not even sure I had any actually. So the first thing the nurses wanted to confirm was that my water actually did break. The first test didn't confirm that so they said they would wait 15 minutes and retest and if it was negative also then they would have to send me home. I was not mistaken that it broke so I was feeling a little frustrated. However, the second test did confirm it had broke and the doctor approved me to be started on Pitocin to get the contractions going. (I must also add that the doctor that was on call from the office I visit was my favorite doctor in there. I was so thankful to hear she was going to be the delivering doctor! Isn't it funny how God works out the little things?) It was about 8am by the time they got the IV in and got it started. I didn't have consistent contractions for a long time. The doctor checked me around noon and I was only at 3-4 cm. I was checked again at 4:45pm and was still only 6 cm. The nurse told me she would check me again in another hour or two and I was really feeling like I may not be able to survive that much longer. The contractions were really strong and only about a minute apart. I felt like I didn't have any time to rest in between. I got up and tried to go to the bathroom but had so much pressure I couldn't go. I told the nurse I thought I was ready to push. She checked me again at 5pm to find that I was a full 10 cm and ready to push! The doctor said she just had this feeling she should come check on me so she was right there ready to go! Adah was born at 5:16pm. I will never forget this experience. I was so proud of myself for sticking it out and going naturally. It was hard, but worth it! Adah came out crying and passed the APGAR with flying colors. From the beginning she was a champ at latching on and nursing-taking up to an hour to get finished! I need to also add how horrible it may have been to labor for an entire day but tell you that I am not oblivious to why God worked it out that way...there were so many people praying for us and worried that we wouldn't make it to the hospital on time considering how fast Keziah came. My water breaking was just a little warning for me and God's way of making sure I was at the hospital! How blessed we are to have another beautiful, healthy baby to bring home!
I have added a video of our weekend at the hospital at the very bottom of this page.

1 comment:

Becky Bartlett said...

Congrats!! Your mom told me the good news in church on Sunday. Adah is beautiful!! hope you are doing well!