Monday, December 14, 2009

Band/Choir Concert

Austin had his holiday concert tonight and since he plays the trumpet for band, we also got to enjoy seeing him do that. It just so happens that my mom has this week off work and planned to come stay with us to help out with Adah for a couple days, so she had the pleasure of seeing Austin in action too! He did a great job! We were a little worried how the singing would go though because while practicing at school for the concert he passed out on the risers. He managed to get through it without any trouble! Kezzie enjoyed hearing him and watching him. She yelled his name in silence a couple times and always clapped when the songs ended. As for band, I told him to at least try it for a semester and then he could drop out. While he feels great accomplishment for learning the music, he still doesn't enjoy being in band so he has decided to drop out when the semester is over. Maybe someday he will go back to it...I hope!

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