I have done a horrible job this month at keeping up with what Adah has been up to but I will try to remember-the days seem to run together and she is just growing so fast! The beginning of the month (5/3/10) she mastered rolling from her front to her back. We also started cereal this month...not sure the exact date and it really doesn't matter because she totally hated it. I tried it for about 2 weeks straight and eventually I just decided it wasn't worth the frustration it was causing both of us. We will try again in a couple more weeks!
Adah had her six month check up a little late this time since she got her 4 month shots late. There has to be a certain amount of time in between her 4 month shots and 6 month shots. So on June 4th we went in for her check up. She weighed in at 15lbs. 14 oz. (50%). She is 26" (50%) long, however, looking back at her 4 month check up she supposedly only grew .5" in the last two months so at some point something wasn't measured correctly...no big deal-she's still average! Adah did have to get some shots and Kezzie didn't like it that she had to watch her sister get hurt. Adah was pretty crabby the rest of that day and into the next but slept pretty good at night.
Adah is getting really close to being able to sit up and does a great job of getting around by rolling. Of course, she hasn't quite figured out that it can get her across the room by any means, but if there is a toy barely out of reach she can easily figure out she can get to it by simply rolling a couple times!
Adah is still at six breastfeedings a day. And still takes 3 naps a day. She is still sleeping about 11 hours at night!
The newest look we get from her is her tongue sticking out 24/7! It is really cute but I miss seeing her smile! I think her gums must be bothering her because I can often catch her chewing on her tongue and rubbing her tongue on her gums. Poor baby!
What a joy it is having another beautiful daughter. Our family is incredibly blessed to be able to smile and laugh with Adah! With her one ear that sticks out further than the other and a new mole that just appeared out of no where a couple months ago...we love her to pieces and are excited to see what she has for us next!