Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heartland Days!

It was Heartland Days in New Hampton this weekend. A time for the town to get together and hang out! Friday morning the Library was putting on a story time/balloon artist show. My mother-in-law was kind enough to come over and listen for Adah while I took Kezzie to it. It was so much fun and just adorable. My friend Maria came with her five kids. Two of them even participated! The guy would tell a story from memory and he had 'hats' for the volunteers that put them in the character they were playing. He would then expect the volunteer to repeat what he said. Maria's boys did such a great job acting out the parts they were assigned to do!
There was also a parade on Friday night that we took the girls to. Austin was with his dad this weekend so he didn't get to join us. Adah loved the wagon ride but HATED the parade (and she was skipping her evening nap)! There was way too much noise for her liking-especially the fire trucks! We got there a little early to get a spot and I packed a picnic supper for Kezzie. She enjoyed eating it on the blanket and waiting for the parade to get started. Keziah loved it all. And best of all she got a whole bunch of candy! She didn't really get the concept of running after the candy and putting it in your bag from the beginning but learned quickly as she watched the other kids around her! She had so much fun and won't stop talking about 'the paray'! Cousin Rylan got to join us too. Jamie and Crystal were hanging out so they came and met us at the parade with Rylan. Isn't he just too cute?!!
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