Sunday, June 27, 2010

Adah is 7 MONTHS!

Adah sticks her tongue out all the time still. It doesn't seem so much like she is doing it to rub her gums anymore like I once thought. It's just her personality!
We started her on oatmeal 6/8/10 after another horrible attempt at rice cereal. She is doing pretty good with the oatmeal mixed with a little bit of banana puree and water. We do this at bed time before her last nursing of the night.
Adah is rolling all over to get places and even scoots herself with one foot while halfway between the rolls. It is so cute and frustrating to watch as it takes great effort to go very little distance!
Adah gives hugs and kisses and says mama (I am pretty sure it's intentional). She doesn't do this on command or anything but she will grab both sides of my face and faceplant her face into mine with her mouth wide open. She will also rub her face on mine. She will also wrap her arms around my neck to give me something like a hug! I love how different Kezzie's hug is from Adah's but they mean the same thing and melt my heart just the same!
Sometime in the first or second week of June we quit swaddling Adah at night and quit using a wedge (Praise the Lord). We simply lay her on her back and give her her little taggies blanket and let her decide how she wants to sleep (she usually ends up in one of the corners). We cover her with a blanket on her legs but it doesn't always stay there all night. We had one really bad night while transitioning into this...she was up 8 times that night. I refused to feed her as I knew this wasn't the problem. The next night she was up 2 times and the next only once. She is now doing a great job at sleeping and soothing herself in the night! I love it when the hard work pays's so rewarding!
Adah is such a cuddler. When she is sleepy she will lay on me and almost fall asleep every time. She loves to lay her head on my shoulder too even when she isn't sleepy. I don't remember Kezzie being this cuddly! I love it!
She loves to play with her toes. And will even suck on them.
We started sweet peas 6/22/10. She LOVED IT! But not so much anymore (6/26). We quit trying to give it to her since she won't eat it anyway!
The months keep flying by...hopefully next month her post won't seem so unfinished! I feel like I am running out of time to do this but it is definitely something I look back at and enjoy! Thanks for reading and keeping up on our family!
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