Monday, August 23, 2010

Keziah is 33 MONTHS!

This girl is nothing but fun! Just look at her personality in the pictures! I'm not sure what that new smile is all about though (top left corner)! And she really likes tilting her head to the side! I am seeing that more and more these days! There are a lot of things about her that crack me up or impress me about her but I am so horrible at keeping track of these things. Here are a few of the many...
She has discovered that she can use her fingers to show an amount (ie: she shows two fingers for her age, or if she wants to read three books she holds up three fingers!). It seems like she purposely finds reasons to do this!
She is really getting into letters (this goes in spurts). Lately her favorite game is Boggle Jr. And when she completes an image she always wants a high cute! She can tell and show me many letters of the alphabet. We have a book with all the letters in it and I can ask her to point to a certain letter on the page and she can do this with almost all the letters. She can also tell me what most of them are. This is a little more difficult! She is also really starting to recognize a few words in books and can read me almost word for word/page by page a book she is familiar with. And when she just knows what is happening on each page she will tell it in her own words. I love hearing the things she picks up on.
She loves the camera right now...not necessarily having her picture taken, but taking pictures! If I forget she has the camera, she can rack up 50 pictures without me even knowing it...until I go to clear the memory card!
Kezzie is having a really hard time having her door closed all the way. This might have something to do with staying at the Thilges house when Alanna was born. I never closed the door all the way and she got really used to that.
Kezzie's absolute favorite color is blue right now. Everything she picks HAS to be blue. She will boldly state 'blue is my favorite color, what is your favorite color, but it isn't blue.' I guess she is the only one allowed to like blue!
Keziah loves to gargle. This is her new thing she has learned this month. I have had to tell her it isn't allowed at the dinner table because it is rude otherwise she will do it every time she takes a drink!
One of my favorite things Kezzie says right now is 'I love you, mom'. She will sometimes get mad if I respond with 'I love you too' because she just wants me to accept her compliment and just take it for what it is and not always respond. She does this with hugs too. Sometimes she will give me a hug and tell me not to hug her back because 'I just want to give you a hug, mom'. I was always wondering why she sometimes wouldn't hug me back she just kind of leans in to me and lets me hug her!
Keziah has been fighting with Adah a lot more. She takes everything Adah tries to play with and will put it across the room or up where Adah can't reach. She doesn't even keep it for herself. Just ornery! And now that Adah is pulling herself up to things (8/11) she gets stuck because she can't get back down. So although Kezzie thinks she is just helping, she will release Adah's hands from whatever is supporting her causing Adah to fall to the floor, sometimes flat on her back. Poor girl!
Brian and I have noticed that Kezzie's voice seems hoarse. It could be allergies but it's been going on for a while now and even before allergy season started. We are wondering if her voice is changing a little. It sounds different. Like not so babyish!
Kezzie has been going down for nap with undies on and waking in the night to go pee which allows her to wake in the morning dry. I really think we are on our way to fully being potty trained!
Kezzie wakes in the morning around 7 and really could take or leave breakfast but she LOVES her fluids. It is a must that she have something to drink upon waking up! She gets hungry for lunch by noon and lays down for an hour to hour and a half nap around 1:30. She always wants something to drink when she gets up and almost always wants a snack. It is rare that she will wake up happy from her nap too. She is ready for supper between 5 and 6 and almost always wants a dessert or treat of some kind afterwards! I don't mind as long as she eats all her supper. She gets to read two books and a devotional before going to bed by 8. We compromise on the door situation which means the door stays open during her nap but has to be closed at bed (which means she can't get out of her room without being let out). In the morning she lets us know she is awake by saying 'mom, I'm awake' and then she is allowed to get up and play or read books until I come up to let her out. She does really well with this most of the time. Sometimes if she clearly got up on the wrong side of the bed she will just yell that same phrase over and over like a broken record...this makes for a mom who gets up on the wrong side of the bed so if she does this she doesn't get to watch her episode of Dora in the morning. I don't think we have had that problem in a while!
Well, I know this is a long one, but don't ever feel obligated to read all the mumble's just for me so I can remember these precious moments forever!

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