Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Minor Mishap!

Tonight we encountered a minor's what happened:

Austin and Keziah were out in the little pool swimming. I was just finishing up feeding Adah and then we were going to join them outside. I came downstairs and grabbed Adah's bonnet to go out and in comes Austin. He told me he was cold so he wanted to take a shower in my bathroom (as opposed to going downstairs to his own) since he was all wet. I hadn't made my way outside with Keziah and Adah yet (Kezzie was not cold enough to stay inside) so when Austin got out of the shower in my bathroom he said he could hear a buzzing. I assumed he just didn't get the water turned off properly since he had only showered in there maybe twice the whole time we have lived here. I got in the bathroom only to find there was a slow leak under the sink. I called Brian to double check I was shutting the main water off at the right area. He couldn't confirm it over the phone and was trying to figure out if maybe there was somewhere in the bathroom I could shut it off in there. I insisted that he think faster and he instead decided to just come home from work to check it out. By the time he got home the slow leak was a gush. While I was waiting for him to get home I was trying to do whatever I could to get the water off. I turned the knob to what I thought was the main water valve. It didn't even slow the leak down one bit so I quickly turned the knob back. Brian did the same thing moments later after he got home. We were just second guessing ourselves even though we knew there was nowhere else to turn the main water off. When the plumber got there the first thing he did was turn all the faucets on to run out all the water and pressure in the pipes. We didn't think to do that! That stopped the water almost immediately. We weren't quick enough though. Within 15 minutes we went from a slow leak to 2" of water on our bathroom floor. It soon started to seep into our carpeted hallway and carpeted bedroom. Not good. Thankfully, we now have the carpet vacuumed up with a shampooer and several fans blowing on it to dry it out. The biggest thing I am worried about is the water was also leaking into Austin's basement room through the sheet rock ceiling. I guess only time will tell if that is going to cause us some remodeling problems! Oh how much worse this could have been...I don't even want to think about it. I am thankful we were home! I think we might be shutting our water off if we leave overnight though!
Poor Keziah, she never took her suit off the whole night and now I know why...when I put her to bed she was extremely disappointed to learn that we were in fact not going back outside to swim again after all!

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